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Unfortunately, top university officials at Columbia and Yale have chosen to crack this wall of resistance. They have found in Trump an ally in their longstanding efforts to resist graduate employees’ efforts to unionize. They are ready, in other words, to collaborate—a word I do not use lightly. From their presidents on down, university labor-relations officials are hoping that Trump and the people he will soon appoint to the National Labor Relations Board will weigh in on management’s side and against those who are exercising their democratic right to organize and bargain with the school.

In December and February, graduate employees at Columbia and Yale, respectively, voted to unionize. These workers, some of the most precarious on the university campus, had been enfranchised by an August 2016 ruling of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)—a ruling delayed some years by Republican filibusters of Barack Obama’s appointees, but finally issued in the last leg of his presidency. In response, the two university administrations have only dug in their heels, throwing up every procedural hurdle they can find to impede the democratic will of their workers.

full: https://www.dissentmagazine.org/blog/yale-columbia-trump-nlrb-graduate-employee-union-busting
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