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On 2017/06/08 03:57 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
(The same old critique. How is it that so little of this was heard before oil prices began to plummet?)

Because, I think, we haven't been good at connecting the dots between climate activism and general tendencies of Resource Cursing, applicable also in Venezuela. That failure to work across sectors is a more general problem, evident across the left, environmentalists, community, labour - certainly in Africa: https://www.counterpunch.org/2015/03/13/disconnecting-the-minerals-energy-climate-dots/

It's why Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything is so vital.

Actually, the lefty critique of fossil extractivism in the Pink Tide zone that I just mentioned, from Edgardo Lander, has been rising fast in that region since at least the early 2000s. One very interesting group - Accion Ecologica radical eco-feminists based in Quito - has been central to the Oilwatch global network, along with their comrades at Environmental RIghts Action in Nigeria.

I hung out with them 6 years ago in the Yasuni forest trying to get a handle on "leave the oil in the soil" politics: http://links.org.au/node/2430

Here's a bit of a translation to an eco-social struggle in northern KwaZulu-Natal not far from Durban: http://ccs.ukzn.ac.za/files/Leave-the-coal-in-the-ground-somkhele.pdf

Obviously there's a great deal of debate going on about whether 'environmental justice' is the appropriate framing, or whether eco-socialism can get traction in scenes like this, as a result of various EJ limitations...

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