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When male whooping cranes compete for a mate, they do a formalized series
of ritualized movements designed to impress and intimidate, but also to
ensure that no serious damage is done to their rival. A serious question is
determined – which male will get to pass on his genes – but equally
important is the assurance that nothing is done to damage the survival of
the species as a whole.

That was the dance performed on Thursday (June 8) in Washington DC when
fired FBI director James Comey testified before the US Senate committee.
Circling and posing, the Democratic and Republican rivals attempted to
secure a decisive advantage, all the while trying to make sure that no
serious damage was done to their political set-up or to their system as a
whole (capitalism).

Comey used an unusually blunt term when referring to a US president: “I
was… concerned that (Trump) might lie about the nature of the meeting,” he
said. Although politicians lie every day as a matter of course, to actually
use that term when referring to a rival is almost unheard of. The
Democratic questioners pushed on, trying to make it clear that Trump was
trying to get Comey to back off of any investigation of former National
Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

Anyone listening to Comey’s testimony with just half of an open mind would
conclude that it’s clear that’s what Trump was doing. There’s no other way
of interpreting Trump’s repeated assurance that he wanted Comey to stay on
as FBI head (something that should have been more or less automatic by the
rules of this government), followed by Trump’s saying “I hope you can let
this (investigation of Flynn) go.”
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"No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them."
Asata Shakur
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