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On Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 12:55 AM Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

> If people want to understand the source of Donald Trump's troubles, the
> best place to start is G. William Domhoff's "Who Rules America" that
> Domhoff himself describes in the following terms:
> --"The rich" coalesce into a social upper class that has developed
> institutions by which the children of its members are socialized into an
> upper-class worldview, and newly wealthy people are assimilated.
> --Members of this upper class control corporations, which have been the
> primary mechanisms for generating and holding wealth in the United
> States for upwards of 150 years now.
> --There exists a network of nonprofit organizations through which
> members of the upper class and hired corporate leaders not yet in the
> upper class shape policy debates in the United States.
> --Members of the upper class, with the help of their high-level
> employees in profit and nonprofit institutions, are able to dominate the
> federal government in Washington.
> Domhoff does not mention this but election campaigns are a balancing
> act. The TV commercials, the rallies, etc. target the working class
> voters (I use this term in the broader Marxist sense of those who sell
> their labor power) but the candidates at the same time are selling their
> wares to the big bourgeoisie. That is the significance of Hillary
> Clinton's speeches, especially to Goldman-Sachs who really rules America
> in the Domhoff sense.
> Trump never bothered to do this. Instead he flailed away at the sort of
> institutions that "dominate the federal government" and antagonized
> people who run the CIA, the FBI, the State Department et al. Now if he
> had shown an ability once in office to carry out their policy
> preferences, there would be no problem. But unlike Clinton or Bush or
> anybody else that has ever been President, Trump thinks he is running
> his business. Not only is this an illusion, he *is* running it like his
> businesses--namely very poorly.
> Will they find a way to get rid of him? It is too soon to say. But I can
> tell you this. They intend to keep him on a tight leash for the
> foreseeable future.
> --
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