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Rather like the politics getting dumber, the mass media is whining this
morning about all the terrible, nasty rhetoric.  In between this, they are
running ads claiming that the Democrats are cheering at the shooting of
Republicans (rather like Trump's Muslims in New York allegedly cheering at
the 9-11 attacks).  The Koch brothers and miscellaneous swift boating are
sponsoring the soul-searching of the professional punditry.

The rank hypocrisy of all this is simply astonishing. There's a panel of
right-wingers on MSNBC right now (the "liberal" voice of corporate media)
warning that the attempts of right-wing thugs to shout down a performance
of Julius Caesar is mimicking the anti-free speech positions of "the far
left" in protesting the speaking engagement of Ann Coulter on campuses.

William Shakespeare and Ann Coulter.

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