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From: H-Net Staff <revh...@mail.h-net.msu.edu>
Date: Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 12:13 PM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-Nationalism]: Lichtner on Ben-Ghiat, 'Italian
Fascism's Empire Cinema'
To: h-rev...@h-net.msu.edu

Ruth Ben-Ghiat.  Italian Fascism's Empire Cinema.  Bloomington
Indiana University Press, 2015.  420 pp.  $35.00 (paper), ISBN

Reviewed by Giacomo Lichtner (University of Wellington)
Published on H-Nationalism (June, 2017)
Commissioned by Cristian Cercel

Films in Search of a Formula: Italian Empire Cinema as "Imperial

If readers of this book want to understand both the essence of
propaganda in Fascist Italy and the organic interdisciplinarity of
Ruth Ben-Ghiat's remarkable research, they should turn to page 20.
They will find a 1936 photograph of a Milan street corner plastered
with the epiphenomena of a symbiotic relationship between marketing,
popular culture, and politics: an advertisement for the autarchic
"Victory Butter"; the marmoreal "M" of confectionary company Motta
referencing the Duce's initial; a film poster of tenor Beniamino
Gigli in the drama _Non ti scordar di me_; and, above Gigli,
Mussolini's own infamous three-quarter profile, also compelling
Italians to "Remember!" the sanctions imposed by the League of
Nations a year earlier. Fascist propaganda, including imperial and
racial propaganda, suffused Italian culture and society, relying on
and fostering an obedient blend of persuasion, conformism, censorship
and coercion. Its "tropes and iconographies migrated throughout the
public sphere ... into the fabric of everyday life" (p. 26). Having
taken in the intricate textures of that image, readers should go back
to the start and read every word of the book.

Ben-Ghiat's _Italian Fascism's Empire Cinema_ analyzes nine famous
and less well-known films made between 1927 and 1942 that deal
directly with Italy's colonies. These are impeccably contextualized
within the transnational concept of empire cinema on the one hand,
building on Ann Laura Stoler's notion of "imperial debris," and
within the broader humus of Fascist propaganda about the empire,
race, and gender, on the other hand.[1] The tantalizing result sits
alongside Stephen Gundle's _Mussolini's Dream Factory _(2013) and two
recent histories of Fascist consensus--Paul Corner's _The Fascist
Party and Popular Opinion in Mussolini's Italy _and the late
Christopher Duggan's _Fascist Voices_ (both 2012)--as another crucial
piece in the puzzle of Italian popular culture during, and under, the
Fascist regime. This is an investigation long overdue, which will
undoubtedly help a scholarly and general readership address Italy's
imperial past, on the one hand, and acknowledge the complex layers of
identity that competed or colluded to define Italians under
Mussolini's dictatorship, and beyond.

This elegantly written and theoretically sophisticated study,
beautifully supported by numerous illustrations, is structured in
eight chapters that move along concurrent thematic and chronological
paths. Chapter 1 stakes out the field of study, drawing the many
different strands of the investigation into a coherent methodology.
This is a particular strength of the book--and one readers of
Ben-Ghiat's oeuvre will be familiar with--that manages to engage the
discourses of both cinema and history, and of both Italy and its
European context, with exceptional clarity and efficiency. Ben-Ghiat
maps out how spectatorship, gender, conceptions of modernity and
technology, and of course race, collide with Italy's imperial
ventures, its own historical and political references, and its
representation and construction through film. Film thus emerges as a
popular interface that mediates and reinterprets past and present, as
well as identitarian and ideological tropes.

Chapters 2 to 8 apply this methodology to Italian empire cinema,
focusing on specific themes and periods. Chapters 2 and 3 highlight
Italy's imperial connections, with both the colonies and the European
colonial models it sought to emulate and respond to, while discussing
Mario Camerini's _Kif Tebbi_ (1927), and empire cinema up to the
invasion of Ethiopia. Chapters 4 and 8 home in on the Fascist version
of the cult of aviation, wrapped into dreams of conquest both
symbolic and territorial. Sandwiched between these initial chapters
and the two sections on World War Two (chapters 7 and 8), are two
chapters dedicated to the imperial body, which discuss in depth _Lo
squadron bianco_ (Augusto Genina, 1936), _Sentinelle di bronzo_
(Romolo Marcellini, 1937), _L'Esclave blanc_ (Carl Theodor Dreyer,
completed by Jean-Paul Paulin, 1936), and _Sotto la Croce del Sud_
(Guido Brignone, 1938).

While each of the chapters in this book is equally impressive in the
effortless but painstaking parallel analysis of both the filmic texts
and their production, these latter two chapters, 5 and 6, have the
most to offer. The texts Ben-Ghiat discusses there sit at the heart
of a successful effort to "sell" and normalize the invasion of
Ethiopia, which contains within it crucial, and perhaps still
unresolved contradictions of Fascist Italy in regard to gender, and
especially race. In particular, the simultaneous construction of the
colonies as a place of military and sexual conquest, where moral and
social norms do not apply, and as a place of pre-civilized innocence,
ripe for a _mission civilisatrice _that predated Fascism, speaks to
the coexistence of different and sometimes contradictory forms of
racism, which would later infuse Italian policies towards its Jewish
population. Newsreel images such as these consecutive shots
in the Istituto Luce's _Africa Orientale. Gondar antica capitale
etiopica _(1936),[2] acted as the not so subliminal counterpoints to
popular songs like "Faccetta Nera," to imperial adventure board
games, to racist comics, and also to the titillating and forbidden
relationships of the feature films discussed by Ben-Ghiat: aspects of
a single racial discourse that "lies at the core of Fascist
totalitarianism" (p. xxiv).

This racial discourse is one of the areas of further investigation
which this rich book points to, explicitly or implicitly. Another is
the subtlety of the language of empire. The nine empire films
Ben-Ghiat delves in belong mainly to the war film genre, intermarried
here and there with those of exotic adventure, romance, and
melodrama. It would be fascinating to expand it to the traces of
empire scattered elsewhere in Italian cinema of this period (or
indeed beyond). Ben-Ghiat understands those traces, as she amply
demonstrates when she references the fleeting mention of an _ascaro_
(a colonial soldier) in Luigi Zampa's _Vivere in Pace_ (1946--Zampa
would continue to pepper his films with references to Africa, notably
in _Anni difficili_ [1948] and _Anni facili_ [1954]), but the hunt
for those fleeting footprints is beyond the scope of this work.
Another area that needs further exploration is the role of the
Italian monarchy in empire cinema, and imperial propaganda more
generally. As Mark Seymour shows in Robert Aldrich and Cindy
McCreery's forthcoming _Royals on Tour: Politics and Pageantry in
Colonies and Metropoles_ (2017), King Vittorio Emanuele III (referred
to in Ben-Ghiat's book on only one occasion and as Vittorio Emanuele
II, in a rare editorial slip-up, p. 27) traveled to the colonies much
more frequently than Mussolini. The monarchy's relative absence from
the cinema of period is an intriguing indicator of a broader
institutional and cultural ambiguity in the triangular relationship
between Italians, the Duce, and the king he had "made" into an
emperor. This is work that remains to be done.

As Ben-Ghiat writes in her epilogue, such a pivotal moment in the
history of Fascist Italy, steeped in such pervasive propaganda, could
not but leave a difficult legacy, not least in cinema: "a wish to
bury memories of Africa coexisted with longings to return
there--which films of the immediate postwar period could and did not
address" (p. 297). Much scholarship has in recent decades addressed
Italy's colonial past, and the vast, heinous crimes committed during
it. At the popular level too, the invasion of Ethiopia is not
repressed, as evidenced by the widespread 2016 coverage of the
€0,000981 Italians still pay on each liter of fuel as a result of a
1935 tax meant to support their forefathers' colonial venture. Yet in
spite of this reemergence, Italy's postwar discourse on its former
empire remains a postcolonial, rather than a post-imperial discourse:
as early as 1946, the colonies were repositioned as "memory objects"
(p. 299), distant, foreign, once again exotic, and thus able to be
discussed selectively, without addressing the issue of guilt and
responsibility. In bringing this cinematic history back to life, Ruth
Ben-Ghiat treads a path of uncompromising empiricism and subtle
textual analysis, which connects the multiple spaces of history and
film and significantly advances our understanding of Fascist Italy.


[1.] Ann L. Stoler, ed., _Imperial Debris: On Ruins and Ruination_
(Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2013).

[2.] _Africa Orientale. Gondar antica capitale etiopica_, in
"Giornale Luce," 12/02/1936, Archivio Storico Istituto Luce, B0833,
(accessed March 30, 2017).

Citation: Giacomo Lichtner. Review of Ben-Ghiat, Ruth, _Italian
Fascism's Empire Cinema_. H-Nationalism, H-Net Reviews. June, 2017.
URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=48258

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Andrew Stewart
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