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by Nizar Visram

IN its latest move early June 2017, the United Nations Security Council
(UNSC) unanimously adopted a resolution drafted by the United States to
expand the scope of sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea (DPRK) over its latest missile tests.

Prior to this the UNSC slapped North Korea with six rounds of sanctions,
but Washington and its allies have been  pushing for more powerful and
crippling sanctions in an attempt to halt the increasing wave of missile
tests by Pyongyang.

Meanwhile, President Trump said “all options are on the table” (implying
military solution), while his Vice President Pence declared the “end of
strategic patience.” Pence added:

“The patience of the United States in this region has run out. . . The
world has witnessed the strength and resolve of the US in actions taken in
Syria and Afghanistan.”

Pence was alluding to. . .

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