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(Sounds like Marshall Sahlins.)

NY Times, July 24 2017
Tell Us 5 Things About Your Book: ‘Affluence Without Abundance’

Affluence Without Abundance
The Disappearing World of the Bushmen
By James Suzman
Illustrated. 297 pages.
Bloomsbury. $29.

The mantra of the 21st century might be that the world is interconnected everywhere, but the anthropologist James Suzman knows better. For more than two decades, Suzman has researched and gotten to know various groups of Bushmen throughout southern Africa. In “Affluence Without Abundance,” he writes of what he’s learned about these hunter-gatherers and their way of life, how they have clashed with (and avoided) modernity, and what their society has taught him about how the rest of the world lives. Along with its anthropological insights, the book offers personal portraits of several Bushmen. Below, Suzman discusses why he chose to bring together his years of experience in this book, our society’s obsession with work, his respect for documentary photographers and more.

When did you first get the idea to write this book?

The book’s been incubating in my head for years, though it’s come out in various forms as academic pieces and reports and other bits and pieces in the past. I suppose what persuaded me to turn this into a real book and bring it together were two things. First, only in the last 10 years or so have we begun to understand just how ancient the Bushmen are, and quite how enduring that culture is. New archaeological data and genomic data have revealed that the Bushmen were extraordinarily isolated from other groups, and in particular from modernity and the agricultural revolution. They’ve been around an astonishingly long amount of time, and most likely lived in a similar manner for a period stretching back 70,000 years, possibly longer. This may give us pretty good insight into how homo sapiens lived for 95 or 98 percent of human history.

The second thing is a sense that probably all of us have that we’ve reached some kind of inflection point in history, and that if we think of our history as a series of revolutions, now we’re on the edge of another. Something fairly fundamental is shifting. We have all these big new questions about sustainability, about whether the world can continue as it is. Looking back at how the most sustainable cultures in human history organize themselves might give us some idea of how to organize ourselves in the future.

What’s the most surprising thing you learned while writing it?

I grew up in a society that valued work, and being able to work hard, very highly. It was only in looking at the Bushmen that I saw how our attitudes toward work are this kind of elementary particle to our society. Where does this come from? It obviously didn’t come from our lives as hunters and gatherers, who were content to work as little as possible. There wasn’t this obsession with being busy, with full employment, with having enough for everyone to do all the time. It became clearer and clearer that this was a product of the agricultural revolution and what it forced on us, placing this premium on labor. And so many modern institutions and behaviors seem contingent on this. At the same time, a lot of these institutions are seemingly at odds with the way we’re able to live now. The agricultural revolution was sort of an accidental one, and once we developed it we became hostage to it. The population became hostage to its own growth, and this has shaped a huge amount of the economic and intellectual architecture of our modern culture. We’re still obsessed with growing, even when there’s not much room left to grow in.

In what way is the book you wrote different from the book you set out to write?

When I set out to write it, I was thinking more in terms of doing a corrective on popular literature on the Bushmen. Historically the Bushmen have been a canvas that people have projected their primitivist fantasies on, and you end up with this stereotypical, two-dimensional, almost dehistoricized view of who they are. And I kept thinking, someone ought to do something better. I thought people might use it as a way to look at themselves from the perspective of a hunter-gatherer. In a sense, it was a more lighthearted thing, though there’s very little lighthearted about the Bushmen story.

As it evolved, it became more about big ideas: the origin of money, our sense of equality, our sense of time, and how these all integrate to create quite a sophisticated coherent view of our world, and in some ways quite a critical view. It shifted from being a far more localized book, an intimate insight into their world, and more into something that looked in a bigger way at some of the things that shaped our world.

Who is a creative person (not a writer) who has influenced you and your work?

It’s not so much a single person. Documentary photographers. I suppose the first one who ever got me thinking was Leni Riefenstahl, who was Hitler’s big propagandist. But she then went off and did this amazing photo series in southern Sudan on the Nuba. They’re some of the most intimate and extraordinary pictures. By then she was a disgraced little old lady.

To take a good photo, people have to be well at ease with you. You have to have a certain temperament. Which is why Riefenstahl is so surprising, this former Nazi sympathizer who got along with these Nubians and was let into some extremely intimate spaces.

And other photographers, particularly in the predigital era — the war photographers, like Don McCullin. They produced such vivid stuff, and there’s such skill in it. Everyone’s a photographer now. But in terms of proper reportage, documentary photography, there’s very little that comes close to the standing of the classics.

Persuade someone to read “Affluence Without Abundance” in less than 50 words.

If we judge a civilization’s success by its endurance over time, then the Bushmen are the most successful society in human history. Their experience of modernity offers insight into many aspects of our lives, and clues as to how we might address some big sustainability questions for the future.

This interview has been condensed and edited.

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