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Forwarding a link with a good response that is critical of those who attack 
"identity politics".  My only major difference

with the writer is on her stating that "Neo-liberalism has won".  I disagree, 
in that there are many including myself who

reject neo-liberalism and the issue of capitalism and neo-liberalism as 
victorious and forever.  I assume she did not mean

to give indirect support to accepting capitalism.

As a Gay man, I have viewed those complaining about "identity politics", as a 
way to ignore these very real issues

of bigotry and discrimination and wanting to end or limit these independent 
movements, that are challenging

racism, sexism, heterosexism and ablebodyism.


White Marxism: A Critique of Jacobin 
by Uday Jain This critique comes from a place of solidarity. As this is a 
critical moment to reassess the history and present of international socialism 
and imagine a new path forward – many new paths forward – it is absolutely 
crucial to get the basics of this reassessment right. Jacobin have



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