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NY Times, Oct. 1 2017
In Crimea, Russian Land Grab Feeds Cries of ‘Carpetbaggers!’

SEVASTOPOL, Crimea — More than three years after Russia snatched Crimea from Ukraine, the peninsula is suffering through an extended season of discontent.

Shady, Kremlin-appointed bureaucrats are proving to be just as corrupt and inept as their Ukrainian predecessors. International sanctions, shrugged off in the heady days after the Russian annexation, have jacked up food prices while endlessly complicating ordinary aspects of life, like banking and travel.

Perhaps most galling to Crimeans, the government is hauling thousands of residents into court to confiscate small land holdings distributed free as a campaign ploy in 2010 when Ukraine controlled the Black Sea peninsula.

Residents of Sevastopol, famous as a historic battleground and home to the Black Sea fleet, were among the most vocal, militant supporters of Russia when it annexed Crimea.

That was then.

“I supported reunification because I thought that with Russia’s arrival things would improve,” said Lenur A. Usmanov, a rare outspoken Kremlin partisan from the Tatar minority who has since become a serial protester. “But there is no change.”

Yevgeny V. Dzhemal, an activist lawyer fighting the mass land expropriation, put it even more succinctly: “They were bastards under Ukraine, too. Nothing has changed.”

The United Nations issued a report this week accusing Russian security agencies of committing “grave” human rights abuses since the annexation. Many of those abuses occurred right after the annexation against those who resisted the takeover. Russia dismissed the report as “absurd” inventions spread by its opponents.

Locals largely focus on different complaints. They invariably denigrate the new bureaucrats as carpetbaggers, using the word “varyagi” in Russian, an old word for Viking outsiders, especially when it comes to land confiscation.

The city of Sevastopol claims that it must repossess at least 10,000 plots to help create a rational development plan. The owners howl that the “mass land grab” will benefit crooked developers and senior officials who covet what when stitched together amounts to sprawling tracts of choice seaside property.

“Nobody thought it would be as bad, with issues emerging suddenly like the land plots,” said Roman Kiyashko, the burly Communist Party candidate for governor whose campaign slogan, “Your man from Sevastopol,” emphasized his native roots. “Russian officials act like an elephant in a china shop. They just implement their policies with no feedback.”

Yet many natives stress that their grievances have not reached the point of reconsidering the internationally criticized 2014 referendum in which they voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia. “Stones can fall from the sky as long as we live in our Motherland,” said Oleg Nikolaev, a successful restaurateur, quoting a Russian expression.

Taking back Crimea by force in 2014 was celebrated across Russia as a long-overdue restoration of lost superpower might. It made President Vladimir V. Putin wildly popular, something the Kremlin clearly hoped to capitalize on when it scheduled the upcoming presidential election for March 18, the fourth anniversary of the formal annexation of Crimea.

For many, however, the euphoria around that date has gone as flat as old champagne.

In Sevastopol, the main target of local ire is Dmitri Ovsyannikov, 40, one of a new, nationwide generation of young governors. Appointed acting governor by Mr. Putin last year, he has alienated many Sevastopolians by filling virtually every administrative post with fellow Moscow imports. Even some local officials who support Mr. Putin wonder privately why the president picked someone so aloof.

Mr. Ovsyannikov managed to win a rare election to his post earlier this month. But analysts attributed that to a dismal turnout of just under 33 percent and the fact that Mr. Putin campaigned for him.

Mr. Putin enjoys cultlike status for both taking back Crimea and for promising to rescue the Black Sea fleet that anchors in Sevastopol from rust bucket oblivion. “I remember at some point in the middle of 2000s I came here for the first time and I almost wept because Sevastopol — a special city for every Russian — was in a terrible state,” Mr. Putin said during one recent visit.

Some Sevastopolians are doing the weeping now, convinced that Mr. Putin should rescue them anew.

“Putin does not know what these rascals are doing — they want to seize all our land!” cried one man at a small, illegal protest in early September on Nakhimov Square, the heart of a city that hugs a series of spectacular inlets.

Sevastopol has a long history of fractious politics and quirky demonstrations, but recently strife escalated markedly, said Volodymyr P. Kazarin, a university rector and former vice governor who opposed annexation and has since moved to Kiev. “Sevastopol is once again among the most rebellious cities in Crimea,” he said.

After the annexation, Crimea was divided into two districts, with the larger Sevastopol metropolitan area designated a Federal city while the rest of the peninsula became the Crimean Republic, a Russian province with extra autonomy. Resentments similar to those in Sevastopol have erupted in the republic as well.

For example, the government in Simferopol, the capital, imported a Moscow architect to supervise a master regional development plan. One of her first proposals included revamping the central Lenin Square by removing the Lenin statue. Simferopol removed her instead.

“Crimea did not like this idea of destroying monuments,” said Aleksandr A. Formanchuk, a veteran local government official.

In Yalta, one land confiscation ended in tragedy after the longtime owner of a beachfront cafe discovered that it had been demolished and the cafe contract awarded to a different, anonymous developer. He committed suicide by setting himself on fire in a city park last September.

Oligarchs and other wealthy businessmen, mostly Ukrainian, lost billions of dollars in properties expropriated after annexation. But the land fight in Sevastopol seems to affect mostly ordinary people like retired teachers and navy veterans.

The city has filed 3,800 lawsuits so far, with more expected, some possibly even involving long abandoned Soviet military property. “Representatives of the government agencies just laugh at us,” said Lubov Zvonik, 60, a retired store manager. “They have an unspeakable attitude toward us, because there are orders from the top to get our land.”

Sevastopol was once a center of the nation’s defense industries. But after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union the plants all closed, and land remains the only significant resource left to the city, said Mr. Nikolaev, the restaurateur, who also leads an official effort to attract new investors.

Some of the confiscated land “will be offered as tenders that investors can bid for, some will be preserved in protected areas,” he said, noting that Ukrainian developers often bent the rules through bribery and other means, leading to “barbarian construction” that still scars the city.

While the land confiscation is the hot-button issue currently, residents of Sevastopol tick off a long list of grievances.

They say government jobs have become a license to steal or extort, with wave after wave of officials across Crimea dismissed for corruption or incompetence, even more than under Ukraine. Russia is pouring money onto the peninsula — $650 million last year — and the scale of corruption has expanded accordingly, experts said.

Sanctions are another constant source of irritation, leading to higher food prices and complications in banking, agriculture, transportation and securing visas to travel abroad. Fearful of international repercussions, no major Russian supermarket chain, bank or other business has set up shop since the annexation.

Most goods have to be imported on the unreliable ferry, driving up prices at least until the end of 2018, when a spectacular bridge to Russia is due to be completed. A Russian federal agency recently accused gasoline importers of colluding to keep prices high.

Because of Sevastapol’s military history, its residents have long prided themselves in being a little more Russian than the rest of the country. Perhaps Leo Tolstoy best captured that mood in “Sevastopol Sketches,” when he reflected on his experiences as a young officer during the 1853-1856 Crimean War.

“At the thought that you too are in Sevastopol, a certain feeling of manliness, of pride,” penetrates your soul, he wrote, and your blood begins “to flow more swiftly through your veins.”

Hence some find it infuriating that outside officials have begun tampering with history in a city where nearly every major square or avenue is named for a battle or military hero.

The Kremlin recently adopted the proposal by a group of expatriate nobles to erect a monument to reconciliation in the city, given that Crimea is where the Russian aristocracy and its White Army made their last stand after the 1917 revolution.

It garnered some local support. Yet many grumble that a city of 418,000 people — including numerous descendants of Red Army soldiers — and 2,000 monuments does not need another one.

“This is a hero city, a city of warriors, and a warrior is not supposed to reconcile,” barked Mr. Kiyashko, the local Communist leader, sitting in the party headquarters decorated with giant portraits of Lenin.

The economic ills and constant meddling by Moscow make even senior government officials acknowledge widespread disillusionment reminiscent of Ukrainian days. The Kremlin was too quick to treat Crimea like the rest of the country despite its long, traumatic history, said Mr. Formanchuk, the longtime local official.

“Many Crimeans are unhappy that the Russian Federal center is also trying to do the same thing — to grind everything up and say you are like everyone else,” he said. “We suffered on our own, and what are you doing telling us how to live?”

You can follow Neil MacFarquhar on Twitter @NeilMacFarquhar

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