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How can you be so fundamentally wrong about the meaning of words that are so 
simple and uncomplicated? I'm astounded that you derive a set of moral 
judgements from observations that have nothing but factual points. 

Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 

I couldn't disagree more strenuously! Masses of women are emboldened - for the 
first time - to speak out against crude, lewd and offensive behavior. There is 
nothing about this that can aid the rightwing. If the first chips to fall are 
liberal Democrats (in Franken's case, not so liberal, him supporting 
Bush/Cheney's destruction of Iraq), so be it. This is another argument against 
the faux progressiveness of that rotten corporate party.

Implying that liberal Democrats going down to defeat or resignation is a 
victory for the right and therefore the Left should protect them is an echo of 
"lesser evilism. Attacking Republican sex offenders like Trump and Roy Moore 
while making excuses for liberal Democrats is the mark of the double standard, 
which discredits the Left.

On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 11:58 AM, Andrew Stewart via Marxism 
> http://washingtonbabylon.com/these-sex-scandals-are-pushing-the-country-further-to-the-right/
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