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On 12/31/17 2:18 PM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:
Actually, there's plenty of doubt....the fact that MEK and pro- shah
factions are some of the loudest cheerleaders is just one reason to doubt
the veracity of that statement.

Ron Jacobs:

One disturbing aspect of Mossaddessin’s text is his referral to the support that the NCRI and PMOI [MEK] have received from various members of the US government. Especially disturbing is his quoting of Daniel Pipes, the neoconservative apologist for the worst of Israel’s oppressive tactics in Palestine. One would think that he would see this support for what it truly is: an attempt to manipulate these organizations into doing Washington’s dirty work in replacing the theocratic regime in Iran. Conversations I have had with grassroots supporters of the PMOI, however, make it clear that the majority of its members understand that their revolutionary vision of Islam is no more palatable to US goals for the region than that of the fundamentalists.

full: https://www.counterpunch.org/2004/04/09/a-review-of-quot-enemies-of-the-ayatollahs-quot/
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