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from a FB discussion where someone maintains that if Syrians who are
"thanking" McCain for "opposing" Assad can be forgiven for making an
exception to his right wing and racist politics, then so too can an
"exception" be made for a "progressive" politician like Dennis Kucinich for
not opposing Assad "strongly enough" -

And really, it is only Syrians, and not even all of them, who are
expressing gratitude to McCain, and only for the reasons Dennis mentioned
here. Many of us in the Syrian solidarity movement who are making this
point about WHY many Syrians are mourning McCain, are in the same breath
criticising the remainder of McCain's career - so its a moot point to
suggest a double standard is being applied.

You may be staunchly opposed to fascism and the KKK and its ilk. But if
some terrible violent attack happened against you and your family, and your
KKK-loving neighbour was the only person to come and defend you, you would
still continue to hate the KKK, but you might find yourself making some
humanising exception for the one who saved your family's life when nobody
else would help.

We all do this - we harbour feelings of gratitude for the person or group
that stands up for us when we are being attacked, especially if it is a
matter of life and death, and we don't spend a lot of time delving into the
rest of their lives looking for their faults. This is because survival is a
more basic human instinct that political theory. All we are saying is
people need to cut Syrians who praise McCain some slack - because the
people who should have been there standing with them were standing instead
with the Butcher Assad - this is, and will remain forever in history, a
shocking instance of collaboration with genocide. There is simply no other
way to slice it.
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