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Sanders and Varoufakis to launch ‘Progressive International’ “Green, Radical 
Left and……..Liberal”?

Comments on some of the political forces that Varoufakis has gathered together:

The European Spring 
 promoted by the Greek former Finance Minister.

Their support, such as they are, include (indeed is limited to) for France  
Nouvelle Donne<https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nouvelle_Donne_(parti_politique)>.

Nouvelle Donne is  a classic French political ‘club’, around Pierre 
Larrouturou. He and his friends have  spent a couple of decades on the fringes 
of the Parti Socialiste (unsuccessfully bidding for influence  as a ‘current’) 
and the French Greens, to mention only a few. It has had two elected figures, 
David Derrouet,  who was the Mayor of 
Fleury-Mérogis<https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleury-M%C3%A9rogis> until 2017 
and Fabienne Grébert, a regional councillor in the 

A more serious force, 
 (which claims, optimistically, 60,000 members), one MP, three MEPs and one 
Senator, was founded by former French Socialist Presidential candidate  Benoît 
Hamon<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beno%C3%AEt_Hamon> (6.36% of the vote in 
the first round), also forms part of the  DiEM25 sponsored European Spring.
That is, after trying for an alliance with the French Greens (EREV) and,  and 
various leftist  strands described as "« altereuropéennnes »..At one point 
Mélenchon offered him negotiations .

Two days ago we learnt that Hamon has called his own list of “citizen 
candidates” outside of the old party machines. He is now  negotiating with the 
centre-left intellectual Raphaël Glucksmann in the tradition of Michael Rocard 
(he is also the son of the New Philosopher André Glucksman).

Facing at least 5 (f not more)  other left-wing or green lists in next year's 
European elections, very few people give Hamon's group and allies much of 
chance of winning seats.



Sanders and Varoufakis to launch ‘Progressive 
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is teaming up with former Greek finance minister 
Yanis Varoufakis to formally launch a new “Progressives International” in 
Vermont on Nov. 30, Varoufakis said in Rome on Friday.

Andrew Coates
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