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I actually don't think that independent political action has to be--or
should be--restricted to sectified efforts.  The Greens in this state got
104,000 votes for governor in 2014 with a very minimal campaign.  Now, if
you actually put some will behind it--and the desire to actually organize a
real third party--we might be talking about something serious.  Socialists
hereabouts said that they didn't want to dirty their hands with the
Greens.  (Turns out that they were keeping them clean to support Bernie
Sanders.)  Democrats or aspiring power-brokers with the Democrats pop up to
derail and dead end these things all the time. (As they do with whatever
wiggles the direction of independent mass movements generally.)

There is no reason why the various socialist groups couldn't put together a
common ticket.  None.  I had hoped that Sawant's victory would have moved
things that direction, but it didn't.  But why wouldn't this happen?  Why
didn't it happen years ago?  Or even decades ago?

These are questions in my mind that ask themselves every election.

Mark L.
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