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> On Jan 1, 2019, at 8:54 AM, Praxis Perhaps via Marxism 
> <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> https://medium.com/@juliaserano/detransition-desistance-and-disinformation-a-guide-for-understanding-transgender-children-993b7342946e

This is an extremely useful and thoughtful guide to these often fraught 
debates, and I’d encourage people to read it, especially since trans-phobic / 
-hostile attitudes seem to be insinuating themselves into some otherwise left 
spaces and discourses (or at least to be increasingly given overt expression). 
Here’s the author’s own description of why it was written:

“[L]ately, as transgender people have become more visible and have garnered 
increasing media scrutiny, trans-unaware politicians, pundits, and journalists 
have suddenly swooped in to weigh in on these important issues — issues that 
(conveniently) they themselves are not personally invested in. Some of these 
people have very clear anti-trans agendas. Others are (perhaps well-meaning) 
interlopers who believe that by simply reading a few research papers and 
interviewing a few people here and there, they can acquire an “objective 
understanding” about this complex subject that spans a half-century of history. 
And sadly, they often center their op-eds and think-pieces on an especially 
vulnerable segment of our community: transgender children.

"You’ve probably seen some of these articles. They raise concerns about “80% 
desistance,” and offer examples of trans people who have since 
“detransitioned,” and they will leave you with the impression that trans health 
practitioners are engaging in some kind of reckless sociological experiment. 
Whenever transgender people object to these misrepresentations or the old 
gatekeeper ideologies, these pundits and journalists will decry “transgender 
activists are attacking science!” without ever acknowledging the countless 
trans advocates, researchers, and health providers who actually agree with us 
on many of these matters.

"Rather than write a short pithy critique or rebuttal of the latest “children 
are at risk!” or “activists are out of hand!” article-du-jour, I decided to 
write this lengthy nuanced piece. It is intended to be a step-by-step guide for 
anyone interested, one that fills in all the holes, reads between the lines, 
and unpacks the many assumptions that riddle the typical op-ed or think-piece 
about transgender children.”

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