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On 1/15/19 3:53 PM, george.snedeker via Marxism wrote:
In this carefully researched study of what contemporaneous US
Marxists had to say about 1930s fascist processes, Michael Roberto
argues that the essence of fascism-capitalist dictatorship-is
entirely compatible with liberal democracy.

Dictatorship is compatible with democracy? Then what fucking use are these terms? I hate Donald Trump as much as the next person but the possibility of him seizing power like Mussolini or Hitler is less than zero. Instead of fixating on classical fascism, it is much better to study what happened in this country under "democracy" starting with the Chinese Exclusion Act, Jim Crow, the Palmer Raids, McCarthyism, and so on.

Fascism involves the total regimentation of society and the forced feeding of a master ideology on a population. Can anybody in the USA imagine the Boy Scouts being forced to read "The Art of the Deal"? Give me a fucking break.

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