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> Watchmen did not and does not require a sequel because it said absolutely 
> everything that needed to be said about not just 
> superheroes, but the entire literary genre of comics
I agree with the sentiment that Watchmen does not need a sequel, but this 
sentence is nonsense.  Comics is not a "literary genre", comics is not a 
"genre", period.  Comics is a "form" or "medium", like cinema, prose, or 
painting, and Watchmen, while arguably the final statement on the _genre_ of 
superheroes, is not in any way all that needs to be said about the _form_ or 
_medium_ of comics.
Spend some time with Harvey Pekar, Julie Doucet, or Robert Crumb's 
autobiographical material, Chris Ware's historical dramas like Jimmy Corrigan 
or Rusty Brown, Charles Burns' sci-fi/body-horror "Black Hole"; Peter Bagge's 
situation comedy "Buddy Bradley" stories from "Hate", the magical realist 
melodramas of Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez, or the genre-defying works of Daniel 
Clowes to see the cream of what the comics form has to offer.
Comics is not superheroes, and Watchmen, while great, is not all the medium has 
to offer; it's not even the _best_ the medium has to offer.
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