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Mark Lause, who has supported the Green Party earlier and longer than
anyone I know, admits that his local operation is a piece of shit and hopes
it's different somewhere else. John Reimann points out that the Green Party
2016 ticket was a nest of Assadists and that he should have paid more
attention. Someone pointed out that the Occupy forces are occupying Bernie
for Prez, not Howie. Michael M points to the already catastrophic Trump
impact on climate and the wholesale unleashing of the extractive sector.
Louis offers 150-year-old tactical advice from guys who went on to destroy
the International they said everyone should support, and they destroyed it
for tactical reasons. At least Mark finishes with "Get the Democratic
nomination for a socialist and then we'll talk." But he leaves himself the
out that Sanders may not be a socialist in his definition, otherwise why
not say "get the democratic nomination for Sanders" and then we'll talk.

So far none of this makes any difference. The people currently committed to
voting independent in 2020 are betting that Sanders can't win the
nomination, or they think it wouldn't matter if he did. I think he can and
I think it does. I like Louis' straightforward trashing of calling for a
labor party (the one political constant of every Trotskyist organization)
but the Green Party is just a slightly less stinking corpse in the middle
of the road. To think otherwise is nostalgia.
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