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On 2/7/20 8:18 PM, John Reimann via Marxism wrote:
As far as Hawkins belonging to a wing of the Grreens that included Bruce
Dixon: Dixon and his Black Agenda Report were (BAR still is) one of the
very worst of the horrible Assadists.

So what? Those ideas did not seep into the Green Party. Even Ajamu Baraka, Jill Stein's running-mate, said virtually nothing about Syria as a GP candidate.

Our tasks are national in character. As long as there is agreement on opposing fracking, a minimum wage of $20 or so, the right of transgender people to use a bathroom based on their identity, we can belong to the same party.

In fact, I find your positions on Venezuela and Nicaragua as odious as Bruce's on Syria but that would not prevent me from belonging to the same party as you.

When it comes to international issues, the litmus test should not be whether Maduro or Assad are bastards. It should be opposition to USA intervention. Both Bruce and I opposed American intervention in Syria but differed on the nature of the process there. The Trotskyist movement split into a thousand shards over how to characterize the Russian state. I still have a high regard for Trotsky's writings but I think the whole "scratch to gangrene" business needlessly Talmudic. When Max Schachtman became a State Department socialist, a split made sense. But did it make much difference in 1940 how surplus value was being generated in the USSR?
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