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*Chris Slee *I, in my view - right about those co-factors mentioned. (I
have not read the Telegraph version).
Another point is that there was a large population in the factories in
Italy. The clothing industry has seen a major shift. Now Chinese owned
conglomerates apparently bring to North Italy a large migrant population.
(Sorry - it was read in a German paper on th road, and I forget source).
So all sorts of issues on top of *population susceptibility* (age,
co-factors smoking, air pollution). These remain the main drivers.

But other modifying factors, ones that will likely come into play will
likely also include obesity - and other general markers of ill health. ThIs
is why the burden may be quite high in the USA (Unfortunately we can only
wait &  see).

However, there are other issues too. But in addition - the Italians were
slow to start contact tracing & isolation. That allowed spread and
reservoirs....  In some contrast to Germany.
As far as Germany is concerned: The Robert Koch Institute that
developed the WHO approved test - was very vigilant and active from the
outset. It started a very clear public understanding early on. And rapid
isolation of patients - the first from a contact with a Chinese
businesswoman in Munich visiting a factory. They from that published an
early paper in NEJM, showing that the transmission was by an *asymptomatic*
person. ThIs was hugely controversial then, but it is apparently true - and
an important vector.

*By the bye: *
All bourgeois politicians are essentially cut from the same cloth. Yet *there
are* differences. (we see evident differences between communists on this
list... I would venture to say. Why is it any different?).
Did anyone see the broadcast of *Angela Merkel* a few days ago? [Find at
AZD or Der Spiegel - it is not dubbed though].
 It was evidently sincere, kind and very straightforward. I have *never*
heard a bourgeois politician with a sincerity, in an address to the nation
 - thank: "The cashiers at supermarkets and the workers who fill the
shelves - Thank you".

Hari Kumar

> Message: 12
> Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 02:08:03 +0000
> From: Chris Slee <chris_w_s...@hotmail.com>
> To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
>         <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>
> Cc: John Reimann <1999wild...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Marxism]
> Message-ID:
>         <
> sl2p216mb0490d23449b2e799bf7ddc7ec4...@sl2p216mb0490.korp216.prod.outlook.com
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"
> An article by Sarah Newey in the Telegraph cites several factors,
> including high rates of air pollution in northern Italy, high rates of
> smoking, and the high proportion of old people (Italy has the second oldest
> population in the world, and 87 percent of deaths are patients over 70
> years old).
> Staffing levels in hospitals are inadequate.
> But there is also an issue in recording the cause of death.  In Italy all
> who die in hospital with the virus are assumed to be dying as a result of
> the virus, though most of them also have at least one other disease.
> Chris Slee
> ________________________________
> From: Marxism <marxism-boun...@lists.csbs.utah.edu> on behalf of John
> Reimann via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>
> Sent: Friday, 20 March 2020 10:56:34 AM
> To: Chris Slee <chris_w_s...@hotmail.com>
> Cc: John Reimann <1999wild...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [Marxism] Italian & German mortality rates
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> I was just checking the latest mortality statistics. According to the site
> below, the mortality rate of those counted is a massive 8.3% in Italy,
> while it's a minuscule 0.28% in Germany. Presumably a large part of that
> difference is due to Italy having missed thousands of cases, thus having
> reduced the total number. But that massive of a difference? Does anybody
> have any idea how to explain it?
> https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?fbclid=IwAR2kuIKZC6pBYubhUdS_M-Rsp3OOwZ9b0mHCzgLD-dTr64gAhBMR-vI34ss#countries
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