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On 3/31/20 5:04 AM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:
> SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data
> A new scientific study to appear in: International Journal of
> Antimicrobial Agents
> https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924857920300972
Yes, data is a good thing. From the month-old article:

"As of 2 March 2020, 90 307 patients had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2
worldwide, with 3086 deaths (mortality rate 3.4%)."
Now those 90,000 are over 800,000, the 3000 deaths are 40,000 deaths. Even
more remarkably:

"As of 2 March 2020, among OECD countries, 7476 patients had tested
positive for SARS-CoV-2, with 96 deaths (mortality rate 1.3%)"
Yeh, and now just a few weeks later, that's over 100,000 just in Italy,
nearly 100,000 in Spain, 164,000 in the US, hundreds of thousands more,
11,000 dead just in Italy in conditions that sound like the Black Death,
likewise Spain, etc. That's before we even get to what awaits people
throughout the poor world when it hits deeper.
Michael, really what is the point of this "data" that has become so rapidly
irrelevant? You're in Austria, right? You don't see what is happening just
across the border?Yes, it is very strange to agree with lockdowns carried
out by capitalist governments, even though, in reality, in most cases they
are being dragged into it kicking and screaming. But stranger things have
happened. I declare myself here and now in support of lockdown.
You might say, this would not be necessary if the government had carried
out massive testing (like in S. Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam etc), if it had
millions of test kits ready, if there were plenty of ICU rooms and
ventilators, if there were plenty of hospital beds, isn't so bad that
capitalism has cut health spending for decades and the catastrophe hitting
the US could have been avoided etc, and lockdowns etc would not be needed.
Yes, agreed. But precisely the fact that there ahs not been much testing
and governments have devastated the health sector is the point. The "if"
statements are good political commentary but make no difference to what
needs to be done given the actual situation.
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