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From Rick Sklader on FB:

Justice For George Floyd Demonstration update, Government and corporate media spin.

From this afternoon and continuing (it’s now 6:15pm) there so been a massive and peaceful Rally maintaining the Call fir Justice For George Floyd. This rally was broadly attended. It included LaKota dancers, couples with their children in total a real cross section of Minnesotans furious about George Floyd’s Murder.

At 52nd & Oliver Avenue South in tonier Southwest Minneapolis there’s been a demonstration this afternoon at DA Mike Freeman’s office, where white fragility and white Class privilege are terribly upset that their neighborhood has to be treated in this manner.

At 8:00PM a Metropolitan Twin Cities Curfew goes into effect until 6:00AM. The Governor, the Mayor and every other elected official have been telling people to go home because there’ll be no repeat of last night. People in Minneapolis neighborhoods have been told to take certain precautions for self protection. Meanwhile, it feels like we’re back to the future with all the rhetoric about “outside agitators” and “bad” people without any differentiation going on and blame being placed at the doorstep of organized white supremacists and their gang leader Donald Trump. It’s 6:45PM and law and order wanna be Jacob Frey is vomiting reactionary rhetoric attacking the movement for Justice while simultaneously attacking it.

Waiting for 8PM.....

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