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In Madison, Wisconsin protestors tore down the statue of Col. Hans Christian Heg and threw it into Lake Monona. Heg was a Norwegian migrant who fought for the Union in the Civil War. Rahul Mahajan, a subscriber to the Marxism list that preceded Marxmail 25 years ago and a U. of Wisconsin professor, posted this excerpt from Heg's journal on FB:


We came here yesterday morning on board the steamboat Continental, and landed our men at this place, got them all into good comfortable quarters, and I am now in command of this place. I live in the house occupied and owned by Bird. I have him now in my charge as a prisoner of War. Also 3 of his sons. Besides our own Regiment, there is one Illinois Regiment, the 22d and one Artillery Company with a few fragments of companies that are left here sick. I have probably in all about twenty five Hundred men under my command.

The boys are feeling good and enjoying themselves first rate. Mathews is sick to day. Dr Himoe did not leave Madison till Monday and came here today. Ole and Nanna lives upstairs in this house, and they keep house for me.

I have got me a negro that does all my hard work. He is about 16 years old, says his master died in St Louis some time ago as prisoner. He used to live on a farm up in Missouri, he seems to be a good Nigger. I got him a pair of pants and he struts around as big as a Monkey. I find that I have a great deal to do — more than I had at Madison. Col. Jones took command of the Regiment, but to day the papers came mustering him out of the services, and I told Reese12 to take charge. Jones has come back again to night, and still claims to be Lt. Col. To morrow I am going over to Cairo to see Genl. Pain and have the matter decided.

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