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Watching just an awesome recital by the couple
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8p3HNGmEkA>.  Banjos with a "Black Lives
Matter" sign as background.  They promised to stream it for a few weeks.
The first part is a Jazz trio that did not interest me as I came to hear
Bela.  Me and V have seen him at least twice, maybe 3,4 times.

If only interested in this part its easy to navigate to it just move cursor
to almost the end that isn't.  Their performance is maybe 25 - 30 mins long.

They do a song on the indigenous.  She sings one in Chinese that she
learned during an extended stay in Sichuan.  They duet on a Hank, Sr tune.
Sing an Abbey Lincoln
<https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=Abbey+Lincoln+> tune
introduced by pointing at her activism.  Last thing "Take me to Harlem"
with great lyrics but, I think, musically missing something.  Maybe a
gospel choir.

Comrade, I am far from a musicologist but know what I like when I hear it.

In the 60's the soundtrack to our lives was cause and effect of our
struggles, protests, movements.  There must be a music of this movement.
Maybe musics.  But Fleck's incursion of his politics into this Allegheny
world sounds a tocsin for others to follow.  Not just bluegrass but C&W,
folk, rap, R&B, classical, jazz and blues.

We must find, encourage and support our troubadors-to-be.  I know one
personally.  Devin Hoff is a world-class bassist
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devin_Hoff>who shifts through the varied
music scenes listed above with grace, fluidity, mastery of himself and his
instrument, bass.  Even better is his politics.  Even better is the man.
He currently lives and will soon be active again in NYC, hopefully the
C19thing will be beaten even though it is 'managed' by a rudy-poot

But as for Bela Fleck and Abigail Wishburn's presentation all that was
missing, besides the gospel choir, was Doc and Merle Watson but, alas, both
are gone.
Freihofer's Jazz Fest: Béla Fleck & Abigail Washburn with Skidmore Jazz
Institute Alumni Trio

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