----- Original Message -----
From: heikki sipilä <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 3:31 PM
Subject: [Cuba SI] NATO No! Meeting in Italy

>From: Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>On the 24 and 25 May, NATO will hold a summit meeting in Florence,
>a city declared to be an "Operator for Peace," with a gold medal for
>its >Resistance against the Nazi/Facists in WW II.
>>In this highest-level meeting, the NATO Alliance intends to
>further define its strategies with regards to various areas of the
>world (the Balkans and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North
>Africa), the reorganization in a more explicitly offensive way of its
>military apparatus, and its expansion to the East.
>>The NATO military alliance which, as in the past, continues to be
>an instrument of aggression against national sovereignty and
>of interference in the internal political affairs of member states,
>as well as a constant threat to peace, is today in a process of
>transformation of its role and its military apparatus to adapt itself
>to the growing >requirements of capitalist dominion in its
>contemporary form: "the free >market."
>>It is in this sense that the Treaty of Washington of April 1999,
>also signed by the Italian government, must be understood, in which
>NATO formally arrogates to itself the right to intervene everywhere
>and anywhere in support of the new world order, as demonstrated in
>the war against Yugoslavia.
>>War is thus established and increasingly reconfirmed as a
>concrete possibility, practicable and in fact practiced, as a major
>and decisive instrument for the imposition of the "free market."
>>For this reason there is an evident connection between the
>struggles against wars of aggression, against the presence of NATO's
>military bases, against militarism, and against the embargoes, with
>the struggles in the North and South of the world which are rising up
>against the sanctuaries of capitalism (WTO, IMF, World Bank), against
>temporary labor and "flexibility", against exploitation and poverty,
>for social and citizenship rights, for the right to a decent life and
>future, for the liberation of peoples.
>>The forces organizing this mobilization express their opposition to
>the holding of the NATO summit in Florence and call on the entire
>population to boycott and mobilize against this unacceptable
>>DEMONSTRATION meeting point: PIAZZA SAN MARCO 5:30 p.m.
>>Endorsers:  Women in Black, Tuscan Antagonistic Movement, Casa
>for Social Rights, Association for Renewal of the Left, CPA Occupied
>Social Center, Communist Refoundation Party, Young Communists,
>Liberazione newspaper, Forum of the Women of Communist Refoundation,
>Peace Charter, Coordinamento of Leftist Students, Political Science
>Collective, Programmatic Area of Communists in CGIL trade union, RDB
>Healthworkers union (Tuscany), Camera del Lavoro Sociale  labor
>council, Fuori Binario newspaper, Peace Tent, Ass. Senza Confine,
>Missing Links Ass., Ass. for Defense of Minorities, Movement for the
>Confederation of Communists, Cobas school union, Sincobas union, Slai
>Cobas union (Florence), Cobas Union Confederation (Florence), Gulf
>Committee, National Coordinamento of RSU workplace union councils,
>National Coord. of Committees Against the War, Guerre e Pace
>magazine, Coord. of World March of Women, Coord.
>>Rete Lilliput (Florence), CSOA il Mulino Occupied Social
>Center, National, Ass. AZAD - Freedom for the Kurdish People, Val di
>Sieve Peace Committee, ASSOPACE, PMLI, Nuova Unita' newspaper, North
>Americans Against War, Coord. University Language Teachers
>(Florence), 1968 >Archives, Forum of Associations Against the Free
>Market (Milan), Ass.
> >Village of Peoples, Economy Group "E. Balducci", RACS, Ass.
>"Friendship" Rom (Florence), Florence Committee for the Liberation of
>Mumia Abu-Jamal, Valdarno Committee Against the War, Ernesto de
>Martino Institute, Ass. Chiama Africa, Cultural Ass. Punto Rosso
>(Massa Carrara), RSU union council of University of Florence. Mani
>Tese (Florence).
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>Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry
>Cuba SI - Imperialism NO!
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