Communist Web 
Wednesday 24th May 2000 9.30pm gmt 
Moms tell candidates: 'Enough!' 

By Tim Wheeler 
WASHINGTON - Protesters, many of them mothers holding portraits of 
their slain children, gathered here 750,000 strong on Mother's Day. 
They cheered as speakers called for ousting lawmakers tied to the National 
Rifle Association (NRA) who block gun control legislation. They also 
applauded a call to keep the NRA out of the White House. 
Donna Dees-Thomases, who helped initiate Million Mom March , said the 
purpose of the rally was enactment of "sensible gun control" laws such as 
licensing and regulation of handguns, gunlocks, and closing the loophole 
that exempts gun shows from background checks on handgun purchasers. 
"Our votes are our power and we will use that in force in the November 
elections," Dees-Thomases said. "We will know where each elected official 
and candidate stands ... and they will be held accountable." 
The Mall was packed on this sunny spring day. With the arrival of each 
new contingent, a cheer went up. 
"We're from Minnesota. Enough is enough!" chanted one crowd as it 
marched up the Mall. There was a sense of elation at the immense size and 
diversity of the crowd, Black, Latino, Asian, American Indian and white. 
For many, it was their first demonstration and there was a keen sense of the 
power of the people to stem gun violence, which claims 30,000 lives each 
year - including 12 children each day. 
Raffi, the popular children's entertainer, caught the mood when he led the 
crowd in singing "This Little Light of Mine." At one point he hushed the 
adults so the children could be heard. "All over Washington, I'm going to 
let it shine," they sang as the crowd swayed in unison. 
Adrienne Young, an African-American woman from Pittsburgh, held up a 
poster-sized portrait of her son, Javon Thompson. 
"That's my son," she told the World. "He was a scholarship student at 
Carnegie Mellon, an award-winning young artist. He was shot to death on 
Dec. 29 1994 during Christmas break, Dec. 20, 1994. He was 18."  
"The NRA is a total disgrace," she said. "They value money more than 
human life. How dare they victimize us! We need to stem the tide of guns 
coming into...

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