
I would like to say few things about the so-called character-assassination
in a debate.  A genuine character assassination is performed when one
ignores an opponent's arguments in favor of a personal attack on some
qualities which are not germane to a debate.  But there are cases in which
some individual qualities which are germane to public debates, which must
not be barred from public criticism.  For example one might have  the
following individual qualities which are germane to a public debate: (1)
"Ability" in parroting a formula without understanding its nature,  (2)
"Ability" in misreading the opponent's writings, (3)"Ability" in not
grasping the opponent's central ideas, (4) "Ability" in posing questions
with false tacit assumptions, and demanding answers to them in the form of
"yes or no" without any analysis of these questions, (5) "Ability" in
asserting some propositions with no proof, (6) "Ability" in rejecting the
opponent's idea with simple "no" instead of a logical refutation, (7)
"Ability" in embellishing one's writing with the names of trusted
authorities in the hope of "selling" one's non-existent ideas, (8) "Ability"
in scribbling some favorite disparaging stock statements, irrelevant to the
main subject of discussion, when one's egocentric ideas are shown to be
illogical and ahistorical, etc.  If one has these individual qualities which
are germane to a public debate, then it is necessary to say something about
these qualities in order to overcome these hurdles in a discussion;
otherwise, one will end up with no discussion at all.  If this is the case,
then there is no character-assassination.  So, let us have real criticism
instead of abstract and imaginary ones.


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