NorteAmericanos for Bolivar supports the efforts of human rights workers and the CP in Israel to end the brutal war against the Palistian people.  Right-wing, militaristic, and mercenary elements from Israel have trained death squads in Colombia, under Yair Klien and others.  See below:


Mr. Castaño got his start as a paramilitary activist in the late 1980s, when he helped put together a private military force to protect the assets of Medellín cocaine cartel leader Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha, who declared war on the FARC when its guerrillas robbed him of 440 pounds of cocaine.

Mr. Rodriguez Gacha paid for Mr. Castaño and other paramilitary leaders to be trained by former British and Israeli special forces troops under the direction of Yair Klein, an Israeli mercenary, Mr. Castaño says.

In the book, the paramilitary leader described how he attained additional military prowess during a 14-month military training program in Israel during the early 1980s. "To that country I owe part of my culture, my military and human achievements," he says, adding that the Israelis taught him how to procure arms on international markets, how to make bombs, and how to assassinate.


We hope that the international terrorism used against Colombia's poor people and the Palistianian poor people will be stopped.  Human rights groups and soldiers for social justice need all of our solidarity including the Marxist wing of the PLO, the FARC-EP, the ELN, the EPL, and others.  These social justice movements are up against brutal mercenaries like Yair Klien and Carlos Castano, brothers in blood and torture and terrorism.  Carlos Castano, after learning the practice of terror from Yair Klien, went on to form the AUC, perhaps the most bloody right-wing death squad in the world.

We send our message of hope to Tel Aviv and the Israeli CP.

NorteAmericanos for Bolivar

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----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 9:28 AM
Subject: CP of Israel,Position of the Political Bureau 13.12.01

Subject: CP Israel Statement
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 14:05:52 -0600
From: Scott Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Position of the Political Bureau of the Communist
Party of Israel

No to Sharon's Brutal War!
Unity to Save the People!!

The political bureau of the CPI sounds a warning
against the terrible consequences for both
peoples of the implementation of the decision of
the Sharon-Peres government to widen the cruel
war against the Palestinian people and their elected

The CPI utterly condemns the harming of Israeli
civilians by bombs and suicide attackers.  But
when Sharon uses these attacks as an excuse
to Send tanks and planes the bomb cities in
Gaza and the West Bank, to tighten the already
unbearable blockade starving the Palestinian
areas, he is speculating in citizens' blood.

Bitter experience teaches that bombs and the
systematic abuse of the Palestinian population
do not strengthen Israel's security but the rather
the opposite. They feed the desperation, spread
the bloodshed and strengthen the extremists who
oppose a political solution between the twoPeoples.

The CPI warns that the Sharon-Peres government
is working to reoccupy the Palestinian Areas and
destroy both physically and functionally the
Palestinian authority so to completely end what
little is left of the political process and to block
any future peace negotiations. 

Further,the reoccupation and destruction of the PA
political infrastructure  is paving the way for Sharon
& company to create the conditions for the
deportation of  Palestinians from their towns and
cities and the annexation of Palestinian territories
to Israel.

The Bush administration, giving full support to the
militaristic policies of the Sharon-Peres
government, shares responsibility for the widening
cycle of violence and the collapse of the political

In this troubled time the CPI calls upon allsupporters
of peace, Jews and Arabs, women and men, to all the
protest organizations, to the leftist groups in the world
to maintain public pressure against the destructive
policies of the Sharon-Peres government, to press for
a peace based on the decisions of theU.N., on ending
the occupation  and the establishment of a Palestinian
State whose capital is East Jerusalem, along side the
State of Israel.

End the Occupation! End the Bombings and Blockade!
Occupation Breeds Terror and Bloodshed!
Occupation = Disaster!  Peace = Security!

Tel Aviv
13 December 2001

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