Iranian sugar workers struggle, solidarity needed

Graham Matthews
21 June 2008

Workers in Iran face massive repression when
attempting to organise to defend their rights. 

The Islamic Republic of Iran forbids the organisation
of independent trade unions and relentlessly pursues
those who attempt to organise. The regime also
persecutes strikers, with 
security forces frequently attacking striking workers.

Nonetheless, Iranian workers continue to organise and
campaign for their rights. One recent struggle is the
fight of the Haft Tapeh sugar refinery workers from
the southern city of Shush, who have been campaigning
for justice from their employer since September last

The 5000 Haft Tapeh sugar workers began their struggle
demanding the payment of late wages. Between 2005 and
2007, the workers went on strike 16 times in pursuit
of their claims, according to the London-based Iranian
Workers’ Solidarity Network (IWSN). The September 30,
2007 strike lasted for three weeks and won minor
concessions from management, including the payment of
one month’s wages. 

In early November, the Iranian government arrested and
detained two of the organisers of the strike, Ghorban
Alipour and Mohammad Heydari Mehr, and refused to
release them on bail, despite the posting of the
US$50,000 security for each. 

In May, the dispute again erupted, with the workers’
demands escalating from the purely economic to demands
that the management of the state-owned factory be
sacked, along with the security chief of the company,
who has a direct role in intimidating the workers. 

Workers went on strike on May 6 and on May 10 staged
mass protest outside the office of the governor
general for Khuzestan province, of over 5000 people. 

Protests continued, despite intimidation of the
workers by state security. By May 17, a further mass
protest organised by the workers attracted 10,000
people and marched from the governor general’s office
to the city centre. The protest was joined by local
shop keepers and others, despite attacks by police
using clubs and tear gas. According to reports
published by IWSN, it was the largest demonstration
ever seen in Shush. 

On May 20, the Iranian state mobilised against the
Haft Tapeh workers, effectively imposing martial law
on Shush, by bussing in units of special guards from
the cities of Khoramabad, Ahvaz and Dezful. According
to IWSN, the special guards blocked roads to the city
and arrested any workers attempting to enter it. 

Despite the intimidation, the workers again
demonstrated outside the governor general’s office on
May 26, however, chanting “Incompetent Governor,
resign, resign”, “Police force, shame, shame”,
“Monthly pay is our absolute right”, 
“A livelihood and a life are our absolute right” and
“The workers are prepared to die but won’t accept
hardship”. At least 12 workers were arrested by
security forces. 

On June 7, the recently formed Sydney-based Solidarity
Committee with Iranian Workers held a forum aimed at
building solidarity with the Haft Tapeh workers at the
Iranian Community Library in Harris Park. The forum
featured a phone hook-up with Bina Darebzand, a
spokesperson in Tehran for the Consistency Committee
for the Establishment of Free Workers’ Organisations,
who gave a presentation on the workers’ struggle. 

Darebzand called for international solidarity with the
Haft Tapeh workers and pointed out that the situation
of all workers had been made worse by the Iranian
regime’s embrace of neoliberal policies after the
Iran-Iraq war ended in 1988. For sugar workers in
particular, the decision to drop the tariff imposed on
sugar from 120% to 4% has devastated the industry. 

The Iranian regime has stockpiled enough sugar for
three years of national consumption, which it is using
to attempt to wear-down the Haft Tapeh workers and
significantly down-size the plant. Despite
intimidation, the workers are continuing their

The IWSN is calling for a campaign of letter-writing
to expose the abuse of the Haft Tapeh workers. They
have drafted a model letter, which may be sent to
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to help build
international pressure. The letter can be downloaded


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