
I propose the Marxist Leninst List put it's name to this petition.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "enavant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "For the reaffirmation of Marxism-Leninism" 
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2008 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [MLL] We Condemn the Immigration “Decree of Shame”

> this declaration is open to the signature of the organizations that
> agree with its content
> send your signature to
> Workers Communist Party of France - PCOF
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:
>>We Condemn the Immigration “Decree of Shame”
>>The decree adopted by the Parliament of the European Union last June 18 is 
>>a clear demonstration of the imperialist and repressive nature of the EU, 
>>champion of neoliberal and anti-people measures.
>>This decree, which allows any “illegal” immigrant, that is an undocumented 
>>immigrant, to be jailed for 6 to 18 months, is in contradiction with all 
>>international agreements on human rights; it is a discriminatory, racist 
>>measure, marked by xenophobia against the peoples, especially the peoples 
>>of Latin America, Africa and Asia.
>>Those European governments, such as those of Berlusconi, Merkel, Sarkozy, 
>>Zapatero, etc. show a total lack of any historical memory. They forget 
>>that the Europeans cruelly colonized the American continent, India and a 
>>great part of Asia; during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries millions of 
>>Spanish, Italians, Germen, English, French, Swedish, Portuguese, in other 
>>words, people from all of Europe were forced to emigrate to the Americas, 
>>seeking a better life, a job which was unavailable in their countries, 
>>some security that was denied them because of local and civil wars (recall 
>>the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939).
>>They were welcomed and accepted everywhere. Their integration into these 
>>countries is plain reality. Europe now denies this same right to the 
>>peoples of the Americas that these peoples had generously granted to the 
>>European immigrants.
>>The African people have been plundered, slaughtered, their local economies 
>>have been destroyed, they have been subjected to slavery by the European 
>>capitalists (of Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, France, Portugal and 
>>Spain) and today, after having plunged them into poverty and endemic 
>>famine, they prevent them from working in Europe. The immigrants risk 
>>their lives in fragile canoes or ruined ships trying to cross the 
>>Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Gibraltar or the Atlantic Ocean.
>>Today, neo-colonialism and the penetration of military and economic powers 
>>continue the plunder and ruin of the African continent; they maintain the 
>>reactionary and bloody governments in power and support them against their 
>>own peoples, as is the case with the autocrat Ben Ali of Tunisia, or the 
>>satrap of Morocco against his own people and the Sahraouian people.
>>In 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed, in which it 
>>said (article 13): “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and 
>>residence within the borders of each State”. The immigrants, because they 
>>are without protection, must have the right granted in this article. 
>>Unless human rights are only for rich countries, for the colonialists and 
>>Evo Morales, the President of Bolivia, having been informed about the 
>>content of this infamous decree of the EU, wrote a courageous and sharp 
>>letter, which was rapidly supported by many prominent leaders of Latin 
>>America, such as Correa, Chavez, and others. Morales states correctly: 
>>“the immigrants are not responsible for the problems of social cohesion 
>>that affect Europe; these problems are the result of the model of 
>>development imposed by the North, which is destroying the whole planet and 
>>is dismantling human society.”
>>Even if we doubt their ability to do it, because of their capitalist 
>>interests and neoliberal policies, we demand that the EU draw up a policy 
>>which respects the immigrants and their rights, which does not stigmatize 
>>them or segregate them. As President Morales said, it is time for the 
>>European governments to fix “once and for all, the tremendous historical, 
>>economic and ecological debt that the European countries owe the Third 
>>World. (…) You cannot fail today with your “policies of integration” as 
>>you failed with your so-called “civilizing mission” in colonial times …”
>>The workers of Europe and the whole world must unite to stop this criminal 
>>policy of discrimination by the reactionary European Union, which is like 
>>the policy of US imperialism and the other imperialisms all over the 
>>world. The slogan shouted these days in the streets of Paris by French 
>>workers and their immigrant brothers must resound forcefully in all 
>>countries where workers of other countries and continents are living; it 
>>is a slogan of solidarity, of fraternity, of resistance to the mechanism 
>>of exploitation of capitalism.
>>“They work here, they live here, they remain here!”
>>Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark
>>Communist Marxist Leninist Party of Ecuador
>>Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist)
>>Workers’ Communist Party of France
>>Movement of the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55
>>Communist Plateform of Italy
>>Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist Leninist)
>>Marxist Leninist Organization Revolution of Norway
>>Communist Party of Labour of Dominican Republic
>>Workers’ Communist Party of Tunesia
>>Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey
>>Communist Marxist Leninist Party of Venezuela
>>Revolutionary Communist Party of Upper Volta
>>Revolutionary Communist Party of Ivory Coast
>>Organisation for the construction of a Workers’ Communist Party of Germany
>>Revolutionary Democracy of India
>>Workers’ Front of Pakistan (Pakistan Mazdur Mahaaz)
>>Group Che Guevara (France)
>>“Proletarskaya gazeta” (Russia, Leningrad)
>>Anatoly Pyzhov - Secretary by the International Relations of the Executive 
>>Committee of the Association of the Worker Trade Unions of Russia “Defence 
>>of Labour” (Russia)
>>Working youth organization "Red Kommuna" (Ukraine, Kharkov)
>>Marxist organization of the workers "Orion" (Latvia)
>>Marxist-Leninist-List mailing list
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