Sorry comrades. I sent 3.0 instead of 4.5. There is a real difference in  
the first paragraph. Here is why I would rather get to 6.0 before a complete  
draft is sent out 
Soviet Union I (establishment and problems for Marxism) 
>From 1917 to 1922, the predecessor to the Soviet Union was the Russian  
Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR), which was an independent state as 
 were other Soviet republics at the time. This federation of states   
somewhat resembled America before the Civil War defeated the doctrine and  
practice of state rights and established federal authority as supreme. The  
Union was officially established in December 1922. The USSR grew to  
contain 15 constituent or "union republics" by 1956: As the largest and oldest  
constitutional communist-led socialist state, the Soviet Union became the  
primary model of an industrial economy without capitalist ownership of means of 
 production. . 
Before the Soviet Revolution most Marxists held the theory position that  
the development of the productive forces incompatible with the bourgeoisie - 
an  industrial economy with private property relations, would create the 
conditions  for the communist revolution. This Marxist proposition was 
consistent with  everything Marx had written on the law of social revolution. 
Russian  revolution occurred in Russia, where the productive forces was 
incompatible with  the feudal system, within a world environment of capitalist 
production and  bourgeois rule. Communists world wide relied and counted upon 
the workers in the  advanced country to ushered in economic communism.

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