The Marxist-Leninist Daily, online newspaper of the Communist Party of Canada 
(Marxist-Leninist) has an excellent editorial on the falsification of history 
being raised by the international bourgeioise led by U.S. imperialism. The TML 
also had posted some excellent articles on the Katyn Forest not too long ago - 
which is an issue the ruling classes are now using in their anti-social 
offensive against the communists and the working class. -Josh

64th Anniversary of Nuremberg Trials
Oppose the Campaign to Rehabilitate Nazi War Criminals!

This year marks the 64th anniversary of the conclusion of the International 
Military Tribunal, the first of the Nuremberg trials. The International 
Military Tribunal tried 21 Nazi leaders. The verdicts were delivered on October 
1, 1946 and those sentenced to death were executed on October 16, 1946.

The defeat of fascism in 1945 was a high point in the battle of democracy. With 
the defeat of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and Japan by the Allied powers and 
the united front of anti-fascist resistance forces led by the Soviet Union, a 
world united as one emerged from the victory of the world's people over 
fascism. A new norm of democracy was established in which democracy, to be true 
to itself, could not permit the existence of fascism.

The Allied leaders had concluded at the Moscow and Yalta Conferences that the 
Nazi war criminals had to be held responsible and punished for their crimes. At 
the Yalta Conference held in February 1945, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin 
agreed that German militarism and Nazism must be destroyed and not permitted to 
rise again.

The Nuremberg principles affirmed that heads of state and other political 
leaders as well as the military leaders must be held accountable and punished 
for crimes of aggression, breaking the peace and crimes against humanity. 
Nuremberg also established that "following orders" was not a defence against 
charges of war crimes.

>From the victory of the world's peoples in defeating fascism emerged the 
>demand "Never Again!" -- never again must fascism be permitted to rise! To 
>this end, aggression was recognized as the supreme international crime and 
>unreserved opposition to aggression as the means to achieve peace. The right 
>of nations to self-determination was recognized by the United Nations by 
>recognizing the equality of nations big and small and that the threat or use 
>of force against any state was prohibited. Of course, these principles were 
>violated by the U.S. and other big powers under its influence starting with 
>the attack against Korea sanctioned under the UN flag. Nonetheless, the 
>Nuremberg trials following the Second World War established the principles of 
>international law which were reflected in the Charter of the United Nations.

Today, 64 years after the conclusion of the main trial at Nuremberg, the U.S. 
and its allies including Canada are going all out to smash all the conclusions 
of Nuremberg. A campaign to rehabilitate Nazi war criminals is being carried 
out in Europe, the U.S. and Canada to downgrade and even discredit and 
criminalize the heroic resistance to Nazi invasion and occupation which 
inflicted terrible suffering and millions of lives lost, while claiming that 
Nazis and Nazi collaborators are "victims of totalitarian communism" who must 
have memorials erected to them so that they are placed on pedestals and in 
halls of honour. The justification for this attempt to reverse the verdict of 
history is that those who committed heinous crimes against the people must 
today be exonerated because they were "fighting communism" and this is a sacred 

Meanwhile, in the name of national security the U.S. and its NATO allies 
including Canada are conducting wanton wars of aggression, committing crimes 
against the peace and war crimes against humanity with impunity. Nazi practices 
of using civilians as human shields, justifying torture and renditions to 
torture, using police agents to justify fraudulent conspiracy charges to target 
"enemies," targetting minorities and criminalizing political opinion and 
conscience in the name of national security and values are the new normal. The 
U.S., Canada and the big powers in the NATO camp have reversed the verdict of 
history that fascism must never again be permitted to rise. The immediate U.S. 
aim is to safeguard the rule of their own monopolies and striving for 
domination over Europe so as to dominate Asia. Canada has tied itself to this 
U.S. war aim so as to benefit the interests of the Canadian financial 
oligarchy. In order to achieve this it must criminalize resistance and the 
right to self-defence.

Alongside the U.S., the Harper government is actively participating in the 
campaign to rehabilitate war criminals and it is pursuing a dangerous agenda of 
fascism, militarism and war. Political protest and dissent are being 
criminalized and only those who submit to Harper's vision of "Canadian values" 
are deemed worthy of "blessings" he deems they are fit to receive.

It must not pass! Resistance to this drive to fascism and war can and must give 
rise to a new and modern democracy. Such a democracy must not only build on the 
conclusions drawn from the experience of the Second World War by further 
enshrining the right to resist, but it must provide the right to be with 
guarantees. Only in this way will the people have a say-so in all the crucial 
questions of our time, especially the question of determining war and peace.

Canadians are faced with the historic task of replacing a government of war, 
militarism and fascism with an anti-war government. Such a government must 
uphold the right to be of all peoples and defend their right to establish their 
societies based on their own decisions and consistent with their own way of 
life and thought material. This would make Canada a force for peace in the 

The Nuremberg Tribunal concluded that aggression was the supreme international 
crime. The indictments on which the top Nazis were tried and convicted were as 

1: "Conspiracy to wage aggressive war," addressed crimes committed before the 
war began.
2. "Waging an aggressive war (or "crimes against peace"), addressed the 
undertaking of war in violation of international treaties and assurances.
3. "War crimes," addressed more traditional violations of the laws of war such 
as the killing or mistreatment of prisoners of war and the use of outlawed 
4. "Crimes against humanity," addressed crimes committed against Jews, Roma, 
national minorities, the physically and mentally disabled, civilians in 
occupied countries and other persons.

Other articles in this issue of TML:

Valkyrie: Converging Nazi War Criminals into Knights in Shining Armour

How the U.S. Imperialists Saved the Nazi Industrialists

FYI: Plans of German Industrialists to Engage in Underground Activity After 
Germany's Defeat
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