Radia Tapes… How top Journalists have turned handmaidens of Ambani Brothers
Nov 21st, 2010 |

By Girish Nikam

The Niira Radia Tapes which has caused a storm, after a part of it was 
published in both the Open and Outlook magazines this week, but picked up by 
only Mail Today newspaper partly, and ignored by all other newspapers and TV 
channels, shows the extent to which the rot has set in, in our systems.

While the conversations between Radia and Raja, Kanimozhi and Ranjan 
Bhattacharya(foster son-in-law of Atal Behari Vajpayee) indicates the nexus 
between the power brokers calling themselves as lobbyists or Corporate 
communicators acting on behalf of top corporate Houses like the Tatas, Ambanis 
and Mittals, and the politicians, there is another nexus which is equally if 
not far more worrying.

That is the nexus between the media hot shots and these power brokers. Niira 
Radia in a short period of a decade or even less, seems to have established 
such a hold over the top media houses, that they virtually seem to be at her 
beck and call. They even try to ingratiate themselves with her, by leaking 
information to her, about their own media houses and about others in the media. 
Journalism is all about developing contacts and using the contacts to write 
stories and articles which are unbiased and useful to the reading public.

But what this nexus indicates is that these journalists are playing into the 
hands of these power brokers and serving their vested interests. But what is 
the most shocking revealation is that most of these top journalists have become 
willy nilly players in the fight between the two Ambani brothers. Niira Radia 
who represents Mukesh Ambani does not leave any stone unturned to use the 
journalists to fight her battles for her boss with his brother, even as these 
journalists eat out of her hands.

The names that figure in the so far un-published extracts of these 
conversations(accessed from audio tapes put out by Outlook magazine on its 
website), are from respected media Houses like Economic Times, Hindustan Times, 
NDTV among others. It is amazing how Radia uses them. These conversations, with 
audio links at the end of every extract, tells a sad story of how some of the 
biggest names in the business of media, stands exposed, if not for corruption 
per se(as no quid pro quo is still established), atleast for being handmaidens 
of the corporate houses and their power brokers.

More of these transcripts will follow in the coming days, exposing several 
other nexus. Read on :

M.K.Venu, then one of the Senior Editors of Economic Times, now Managing 
Editor, Financial Express(June 16,2009, 8.05.15 p.m)

Niira Radia to Venu—- What does Mrs.(Kokilaben) Ambani know about natural gas, 
she knows about cooking gas, with due respect to her.—– You know she is very 
upset with Amar Singh, because she thinks only after came into Anil Ambani’s 
life, family has broken up. And she told me in Gujarati, all these kidney 
problems which Amar Singh has, is her curse on him.

Another Conversation between Radia and Venu, July 9,2009, 08.47.33 a.m

Venu to Radia—- You saw Rohini’s story, it has appeared today. It is tucked 
away inside. But In ET you cant miss anything, it is the lead story on that 
page. In Bombay(edition) I think (Manoj)Modi( Mukesh Ambani’s right hand man) 
has done, whatever the neutralization campaign. Rohini told me that in Bombay, 
it says, Modi added, “top officials of Anil Ambani feels that—“.

Radia to Venu— You know Ganapathy(Subramaniam) has been chasing me you know, I 
have to letter of the Andhra Chief Minister.

Venu to Radia— “oh , oh oh oh”

Radia to Venu— I don’t want to give to Ganapathy you know? I am bit scared to 
give it to him, and then see that it gets killed. What do you think I should do?

Venu to Radia— Andhra Chief Minister—

Radia to Venu— He has given a—– he has written to the Prime Minister—a scathing 

Venu to Radia— accha? Remember two years ago he was singing the Anil Ambani’s 

Radia to Venu— No, no, you know basically he is quite neutral.—- He is also 
talking of Andhra, he says the state is reeling under lack of power—– and he is 
you know pretty mad about it. You know I can read it out to you, shall I read 
it out—– (she reads out the letter).

Venu to Radia— It’s a very strong letter yeah! Does the EGOM exist still?

Radia to Venu— No , he says you had and now urge you do something about it 

Venu to Radia—— He says he wants ten percent of the gas in preferential basis 
for Andhra’s needs right?

Radia to Venu—– yeah, because it was running his state. But they have 2,400 MW 
of power for which they need gas for desperately—- So kya karoon(what do I do?) 
I don’t want it tucked away you know.

Venu to Radia— Isko, Niira objective advice, isko kisi akhbar ko do, jo isko 
lead flyer carry kare(give it a newspaper, which will carry it as lead 
flyer)(incidentally Venu himself was in Economic Times at that time). This 
simple logic you know. Aur ya toh, isko CNBC(Business TV channel) ko do abhi. 
Then these people, you know, will be adequately provoked you know. If CNBC 
carries it as the lead, you know, ten times a day, then everybody will start 
running around like helter skelter, you know. Don’t you agree with me?

Radia to Venu— I agree with you. Yeah maybe I should that

Venu to Radia— Yeah I am telling you, otherwise, you know, that’s the only way 
to sensitise people to true value of stories no( ha ha ha).

Radia to Venu— Correct, correct.

Radia to Venu—- I told Ravi(dhariwal, CEO of Times Group), if he(Anil Ambani) 
is giving you Rs.5 crore of advertisement, why are you doing this? Are you 
personally compromised, I asked Ravi.—–

Radia To Venu— You know I want you to do the interview of Ratan Tata, but I 
cant take your name directly, if I do they will know that we both are talking, 
so how do I work around that?

Venu to Radia— ummmm,( a pause),abhi, you know at this stage let 
Swami(Swaminathan Aiyar) do the interview, —-I will come with him.

Radia to Venu— Yeah that’s ok !——

Venu to Radia— (changes his mind) toh abhi, You know Niira, I will tell you, 
you insist that only Swami alone come for the interview. You know abhi, if you 
insist on me, there will be an issue, you know what between you and me, all 
this – to Samir Jain also. Samir Jain has a completely kinky mind and he likes 
people like Bodhi, who are, you know, editors who are supine and you know and 
who are cringing before him and who are crawling before their ass to paint. And 
you know people like me and TK(), we test their mind you know, we do baseline 
play, we explore the line atleast na. So my only sense is that this V.C.Shroff 
is pissed off. He will be fingering me big time.

Radia to Venu— Its ok, I will wait, next time when you are in Bombay, I will 
fix a time for you with him(Tata), I have told him a lot about you. He likes to 
meet people, you know who are intellectually stimulating.

Conversation shifts to Mukesh Ambani and Ratan Tata meeting Samir Jain, which 
Venu suggests. Radia says both have refused to meet him, and have told that if 
they carry negative story or no story its fine. The following conversation

Venu to Radia— Is a letter to MD possible?

Radia to Venu– From MDA(Mukesh Ambani) to Samir Jain?

Venu to Radia— yeah, broadly saying that, you know, it can sort of say that, 
Congratulations for launch ET Now, and then he can raise this issue(gas pricing 
and problem between the two brothers, Anil and Mukesh), and say that there is 
this raging issue which involves national interest, and we hope that your 
papers(Times of India and Economic Times) takes a stand which is keeping with—- 
(ha ha)lagao you know. No?

Radia to Venu— ummmmm, maybe.

Radia to Venu—- What do you think of Sanjoy Narayan(Editor, Hindustan Times)?

Venu to Radia—– Sanjoy Narayan has an old friendship with Tony(Jesudasan)(Anil 
Ambani’s PR man)—- and Anil also keeps meeting Sanjoy Narayan, fairly regular 
intervals you know.—-

Radia to Venu— I think Shobana(Bartiya, MD Of Hindustan Times group) has told 
Sanjoy, that as far as we(Mukesh Ambani group) are concerned, the position that 
our paper(Hindustan Times) will take is that this is an issue of national 
interest and for someone who doesn’t have one MW of power, I am certainly not 
going to support him(Anil Ambani).

Venu to Radia—Absolutely yeah.

Radia to Venu— (shobhana says) and he is not going to add value to anyone’s 
life and I don’t want this thing, and therefore you(Sanjoy Narayan) better play 

Venu to Radia— Yeah, yeah, that’s a good thing actually. I am also told that 
Anil Ambani had some little role to play in Sanjoy coming to HT you know, This 
is what people—.

Radia to Venu—-yeah, he goes through Mukul(?) and all that, and he socializes 
with Shobhana in the evening, yeah. Vir told me that.——

Venu to Radia—-Is Manoj(Modi) in town today?

Radia to Venu— Yeah he is here, he will leave this evening. We are meeting 
Prannoy(roy of NDTV) today. You know we need to support Prannoy.

Venu to Radia— yeah, you know he is a straight guy, you know, at the end of the 
day, he doesn’t play games, you know.

Radia to Venu— That’s right.

Venu to Radia— yeah, I once told you, NDTV is a channel which has a certain 
credibility with political class also.

Radia to Venu— Absolutely.

Venu to Radia— They believe what NDTV says you know. This is an organisation, 
any case commercially not so well off, so they think that theek hai, this is a 
bit like (Indian) Express, apna chugging along in terms of money, but still 
keeping to certain minimum standards of credibility, you know. That Prannoy 
has, so most congressmen would believe NDTV rather than CNN-IBN or something. 
So there’s a strong credibility there.

Radia to Venu— That’s right yeah.—-

Venu to Radia— (back to Gas pricing issue) The problem is Niira, you know, 
about 15 years ago in Indian journalism, atleast four-five top editors , would 
have written—a strong piece, you know, but today, on the lines of national 
interest, whatever rationally allocate national resources. But today do you loo 
around, you see any editor picking any sort of, you know, build kind of 
consensus or trying to raise this debate to that level, but today you know, all 
the editors are preoccupied in advertising and branding(ha ha). I mean, can you 
imagine Sanjoy Narayan writing a strong piece in HT. He has never written a 
piece, barring he writes a column on music. I mean it would have been shocking 
20 years ago, if somebody were told that the Editor of Hindustan Times writes a 
music column(ha ha ha). You know, editors used to write regular columns you 
know, once in ten days, aa, on national issues you know. You know this is what 
journalism has come to, you know.

Radia to Venu—- ummm, I notice that this guys(Anil Ambani) didn’t get their way 
in TDSAT yesterday. Did you guys carry that story?

Venu to Radia— Yeah, yeah, we did I think.—– ummmm, So you are here for couple 
of days?

Radia to Venu— Yeah till tomorrow.

Venu to Radia— So keep me posted if anything happens, ha?

Radia to Venu— sure, sure, bye.

(There are more tapes of conversations between the Radia and Venu, some of 
which have bee published in Outlook magazine, already).

Conversation between Barkha Dutt, Managing Editor, NDTV and Manoj Modi, the 
right hand man of Mukesh Ambani, July 9,2009, 4.14.11 p.m

Radia to Barkha—- Hii, one second, Manoj(Modi) wants to speak to you.

Manoj to Barkha—- Hii Barkha, sorry couldn’t say bye to you yesterday night. 
Parimal(Nathwani, Rajya Sabha member from Jhakhand) was remembering you 
yesterday night.

Barkha to Manoj—– Oh, he , he once saved my life for the plane you know. It was 
nice to meet you, Manoj, kabhi aap ko fursat hoga toh we should meet araam 
se(whenever you are free we should meet freely), without the crowd.

Mano t Barkha— yeah, yeah, we will meet, but Parimal is my cousin brother, I 
have brought Parimal to Reliance.

Barkha to Manoj—- Reallyyyy!!! I didn’t know that, ohh, I didn’t know that, 

Manoj to Barkha—- yeah, yeah, yeah.

Barkha to Manoj— you please give him my regards, aur aap kabhi dilli aaye toh 
fursat mein, not that you have any thing like fursat, but if ever you—

Manoj to Barkha— no, no,no, you know I never come to Delhi, but I came only for 
this(?) last night, only for this purpose I have come.

Barkha to Manoj—- It was very helpful Manoj, it was really very helpful. But 
then maybe main aapke saath—-( gets disconnected).

Extracts of a conversation between Niira Radia and Vir Sanghvi, discussing an 
interview with Mukesh Ambani, June20, 2009, 12.09.59 p.m

Niira Radia to Vir Sanghvi— On this(gas pricing issue) we need to get 
Mukesh(Ambani) to come out and talk(on TV). But it has to be verbatim, whatever 
he says should be there.

Vir Sanghvi to Radia—- Advantage Mukesh has is that he can come out and talk, 
unlike Anil Ambani who has so many skeletons in his cupboard. Mukesh has no 
such problems, he can talk, he can work out a script in advance, he can 
rehearse.—- If Mukesh is on board he should realize it has to be fully 
scripted.—- I have to come in and rehearse with him, before the camera comes.

Conversation between Prabhu Chawla and Niira Radia, starts off with Radia 
seeking a perspective from him(“you always have great perspective on 
everything”) on the “great Bombay High court judgement o Gas pricing issue”.

Prabhu Chawla to Niira Radia(she calls him)—– Where is Mukesh? I kept calling 
him, sometimes he responds. I have stopped calling him. I wanted to forewarn 
him (that HC judgement on Gas is coming against him, ha ha ha).

Radia to Prabhu— tell me, prabhu, judgement is fixed hai na?

Prabhu to Radia— is desh mein hain na—- dono(bhai) fixe kar sakte 
hai(judgement). ——- Mukesh still depends on his old network, maybe his wife 
also dominates him—- the way things are moving, Mukesh, poor fellow is not able 
to get the right feedback.—- convey to Mukesh that the way he is going about 
the supreme court, is not the right thing.— I won’t tell you more than that.—-

Radia to Prabhu— Ok I will ask him(Mukesh) to speak to you.

Prabhu to Radia— That’s why I wanted to talk to him, I sent him ten messages, 
he doesn’t reply.he doesn’t pick up my calls.—– MY son is a retainer of Anil 
Ambani(as a lawyer)—- but he is not involved in this at all. But he keeps 
hearing things na. —- He is running his own solicitor firm.—- You tell 
him(Mukesh), that Prabhu was telling something about London, he will 
understand. Chota Bhai( younger brother, anil Ambani) bahut haraami hai na( is 
a crook).

Conversation between Niira Radia and Ganapathy Subramanian(Ganu), A senior 
Editor at Economic Times, July 9,2009, 10.36.31 p.m

Ganapathy Subramanaim(Ganu) to Niira Radia— Did you see all the crazy things 
they were doing today. Ask the media they will tell you.They were passing on 
all the car numbers to everybody.

Radia to Ganu—- Yeah, yeah, we are not bothered.— You know Ganu, we have taken 
a decision, Mukesh(Ambani), was in town, he has told us, ignore ET(Economic 
Times, ET Now). If they behave like idiots, let them, just ignore them. Talk to 
only those who matter. Barring you(Ganu) and Venu and TK, we are not going to, 
Soma and they had come, they talked a load of nonsense with Manoj Modi, and, 
quite frankly if they want to behave like a tabloid, let them behave like that.

Ganu to Radia—an—d, an—d , aaah, somebody is passing on information everywhere, 
I don’t know how, what.

Radia to Ganu— like?

Ganu to Radia— Like who are all meeting Manoj( Warrier or Modi?), and like all 
those things you know.

Radia to Ganu— That AP CMs, letter I will give you, but not now.

Ganu to Radia— yeah, yeah, no problem, no hurry.

Radia to Ganu— I wont give if its not front page news. —– General you will 
ensure it na?

Ganu to Radia— yeah, yeah, yeah

Ganu to Radia—- maybe I should talk to you on another number.

Radia to Ganu— Why, you think they are monitoring my number?

Ganu to Radia— I don’t know, might be possible.

Radia to Ganu— You call me on my Indicom number, I will give you a missed call.

Ganu to Radia— OK, but you know once the hearing(in Supreme court on Gas 
issue), everything will be —

Radia to Ganu— Ok, but Ganu you have to be briefed on it. You haven’t been 
briefed about us. Let’s make some time tomorrow.

After a day of hectic lobbying with various TV channel heads and Editors of 
newspapers in Delhi, by Manoj Modi(right hand man of Mukesh Ambani), 
accompanied by Niira Radia—- Conversation between her CEO Manoj Warrier and 
Radia taking stock of the day and planning for next day( July 8,2009, 10.42.22 

Radia to Manoj(Warrier) — umm, you called.

Manoj to Radia— All well?

Radia to Manoj—- I think it went off very well, Manoj, although I am exhausted.

Manoj to Radia—- Imagine how much he(Manoj Modi) must be exhausted. He was—

Radia to Manoj— Yeah, yeah—you know how many calls, I had to handle my business 
meetings in between— I had to handle ten things in between I was going out. Oh 
god, I got to work on those things now. Listen, they were brilliant meetings, 
and this is something, I think a lot of this will turn the tide ah! You know 
Mon, You should have heard Arindam(Editor, Times of India) you know he called 
me back. Maine bol diya isko(Manoj Modi), I told him you know, he was coming 
down with me to meet Parimal (Nathwani, Rajya Sabha MP and cousin of Manoj 
Modi), Jo bhi ho jaye you are going to do this and you are going to continue. 
Dekho mere se milna doosri baat hoti hai.Aur tum logon se milna alag baat hai. 
Aur yeh issue sirf tum log hi poora explain kar sakte ho, hum log, yeh nahin 
hai ki hum ko nahin aata explain karna, Lekin yeh baat tumhari hai, tumhari 
family(Ambani) issue hai, you know. Anyway, he has understood.

Manoj to Radia— you met Parimal too?

Radia to Manoj—–yeah, yeah, he was downstairs sulking away. (ha ha ha ha 
ha—Manoj). I don’t care about him. You know me no. I am into this slice(?) only 
for these two guys(presumably, Mukesh Ambani and Mano Modi), I am not bothered 
about the rest. But good, it went off very well. And manoj, he was very happy, 
very happy( Manoj— very good). I think he is happy with quality of the 
meetings, the type of people, you know. And I hope that you are pleased that 
this happened.

Manoj to Radia— No, no, I am happy very happy, you know—

Radia to Manoj— He(Manoj Modi) told me to apologise to you for snapping at you, 
for he didn’t want to get into the GSMA, he told me “Please Manoj ko keh dena I 
am very sorry, main khud Manoj ko kehnawala tah, lekin, I didn’t want the 
discussion to go that way, kyonki tangent mein chala jaata. Please keh dena, I 
didn’t mean to do that.

Manoj to Radia—Theek hai, koi baat nahin.

Radia to Manoj— He is a bit this thing. —- you know Sethuraman was watching out 
of the window when I went to drop Anjani.(Manoj—who?) Sethuraman, I told 
Anjani, Sethuraman is watching.—-

Radia to Manoj— Anyway, tomorrow Ninan(T.N, Editor Business Standard), 10.30 
a.m, I have told him(Manoj Modi) to be aggressive. When I am in NDTV you inform 
Razdaan(of PTI), Manoj Modi is in town, so why don’t you come to the chambers. 
Niira will come some other time to PTI. Tell him, you both come, we will talk 
at the Editor-level. He will be pleased he will come, put it that way, Manoj 
aaya hua hai.

Manoj to Radia— TCA Srinivas Raghavan wanted Modi to come to BS and address the 
whole bureau and all. I told him let it be just a couple of guys, maybe later 
the bureau thing sometimes.

Radia to Manoj—- Ram(N.Ram of Hindu) has agreed to meet Mukesh, you know.Ram 
and Venu(k.Venugopal, Editor Businessline), are both coming to Bombay next 
week. Who call aa gay tah.

Manoj to Radia—- Very good, very good.

Manoj to Radia— accha, kal NDTV, pehle Ninan and then NDTV ke office jana hai 

Radia to Manoj—Haan NDTV ke office, Barkha will be there. And whoever, Prannoy 
is going to be in a phone-in and all that, and then NDTV Profit se, and then

Manoj to Radia— There are some major changes in NDTV Profit—– Kuch toh friction 
hua hai.

Radia to Manoj— Shelly ko aur Shivnath ko?

Manoj to Radia— Shelly ko, Shivnath ko nahi hua hai(shift) shayad. —— CNBC ke 
meeting ko aapko kaisa laga( How did you think the CNBC meeting went?)

Radia to Manoj— Good, Good. What do you think?

Manoj to Radia— I think Raghav(Behl of TV 18) set the tone.

Radia to Manoj— Very light hearted and very cool. I think it was ok. You are OK 
with Raghav now na?

Manoj to Radia— Haan, its ok, Raat gayi baat gai, who bhi journalist hai, main 
bhi PR wala hoon.’s%20PR%20with%209X,%20NDTV,%20CNBC-%20Seturaman-20090708-224211.wav


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