Published on Monday, November 22, 2010 by Huffington Post Unemployment  
Extension Standoff 
'A Crummy Deal For The American Public' by Arthur Delaney 
Paul Gilbert lost his job managing a restaurant in Phoenix in May and said  
he's had a terrible time finding a new one. 
Before Congress adjourned for its Thanksgiving break, House Republicans  
blocked a bill that would have reauthorized the programs for three months,  
insisting that its $12 billion cost be offset with spending cuts elsewhere in  
the budget."I have put out at least 25 resumes a week and have only had two 
 interviews," Gilbert told HuffPost. "I want to work. I love to work. I'll 
do  anything, someone please give me a job." 
Now he's worried he'll lose the $240 a week he's been receiving in  
unemployment insurance. Despite a historically bad job market, two million  
could be cut off from their unemployment benefits during the holidays if  
Congress fails to reauthorize federally-funded jobless aid that expires at the 
 end of the month. Gilbert said the Arizona Department of Economic Security 
told  him he's in the cutoff boat. 
"It's going to be a long December for a lot of people," Gilbert said. 
Over the summer, Congress dithered for nearly two months over a  
reauthorization of Emergency Unemployment Compensation and Extended Benefits  
that together provide up to 53 weeks of jobless aid on top of the 26  weeks 
provided by states. Nearly 2.5 million had their federal benefits  
interrupted, a debacle set to happen again this December. 
Before Congress adjourned for its Thanksgiving break, House Republicans  
blocked a bill that would have reauthorized the programs for three months,  
insisting that its $12 billion cost be offset with spending cuts elsewhere in  
the budget. Many expect Democrats to cut a deal by Christmas, preserving 
the  benefits perhaps by attaching them to a reauthorization of expiring tax 
cuts for  the rich. 
Even if that happens -- and the extended benefits lapse only briefly --  
Gilbert said he doesn't appreciate the uncertainty: "I think it's a crummy 
deal  for the American public." 
Gilbert said he and his wife moved from Arizona to his hometown near  
Detroit, Mich. in September to stay with his brother. He said that at 58, he  
suspects his age is a major factor in potential employers' decisions to pass 
him  over. 
"The kids interviewing me, they're 28, 32, looking at you going, 'No way,  
buddy,'" he said. "I tried at Walmart, I tried the retail stores, I've tried 
As for Congress, he said, "I hope they enjoy their Thanksgiving dinner." 
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