----- Original Message -----
From: heikki sipilä <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 8:33 PM
Subject: Colombia: 700,000 Join General Strike

>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Rozoff)

>[Now you know who Clinton's and Albright's Huey and Blackhawk helicopter
>gunships will really be used against.]
>Thursday, 3 August, 2000, 18:38 GMT 19:38 UK
>Tight security for Colombia strike
>Security forces are on full alert in Colombia where 700,000 public
>sector employees and transport workers are staging a 24-hour national
>The unions are protesting against government austerity measures, and
>want a freeze on petrol prices and an end to the privatisation of
>Colombia's state banks.
>Army and police units have set up checkpoints in the main cities to
>prevent any outbreaks of violence.
>The authorities have also restricted the carrying of weapons and have
>banned the sale of alcohol.
>This strike is a protest strike and a political act... we're no longer
>prepared to carry the weight of the rich on our shoulders
>Wilson Borja, union leader
>The Colombian Interior Minister, Humberto de la Calle Lombana, told the
>BBC that the government respected the rights of employees to strike, but
>the trade unions should also respect the rights of people who wanted to
>Indian and peasant protesters have reportedly blockaded a
>road through the central coffee-growing region, and suspected Marxist
>rebels bombed a high voltage power pylon in Medellin.
>Local media said demonstrators had also blocked a main route from Narino
>province into neighbouring Ecuador, and tried to halt traffic on a
>highway near the southwestern city of Cali.
>Throughout Colombia, there have been reports of widespread disruption to
>public transport.
>In districts of Bogota, the lack of transport forced many people to
>improvise, piling in pick-up trucks and cycling or walking to get to
>However, despite these sporadic incidents, protesters have seemingly
>failed to disrupt key sectors of the economy.
>Most public schools were closed for the day, but production at
>Colombia's oil fields and refineries was reported to be running
>normally, as were telephone services.
>Despite the Medellin pylon bomb, the threat from Marxist rebel factions
>to mount a series of co-ordinated attacks has also seemingly failed to
>Unpopular policies
>It was the sixth strike against President Andres Pastrana's unpopular
>economic policies, which some critics blame for creating the highest
>unemployment rate in Latin America.
>Andres Pastrana: Economic policies unpopular
>The strike follows the announcement by Colombia's new Finance Minister
>Juan Manuel Santos, that he would introduce a series of belt-tightening
>The minister has pledged a 2001 budget of "sweat and tears", cut 5,000
>public-sector jobs and frozen wage increases below the rate of
>However Colombian unions believe the policy is designed to soften the
>impact of recent economic problems on the country's middle class.
>"This strike is a protest strike and a political act designed to send
>the message to the government that we're no longer prepared to carry the
>weight of the rich on our shoulders," said the leader of the main public
>sector union, Wilson Borja.
>Economic slump
>Colombia's traditionally buoyant economy shrank 4.5% last year, its
>worst performance since records began in 1905.
>The economy grew in the first quarter this year, but this was partly due
>to public spending cuts imposed following a loan from the International
>Monetary Fund (IMF).
>The loan was intended to help Colombia introduce free market reforms and
>modernise its economy.
>But unions say that Colombia's unemployment rate of 20.4% - the highest
>in Latin America - is proof that the government's economic strategy is
>not working.
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