BBC's James Reynolds

Saturday, 5 August, 2000, 01:59 GMT 02:59 

Colombia rebels condemn Clinton trip

Critics fear US aid could worsen cycle of violence

Colombia's largest guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC), has condemned a planned visit by President Clinton as a
violation of Colombian sovereignty. 
The brief visit by the president, due to take place at the end of the
month, is intended to show solidarity with the Colombian authorities
over their war on illegal drugs. 
But a FARC spokesman said the trip would be used as an excuse to
intervene in the country's internal affairs. 
This demonstrates (President Clinton's) appreciation and commitment to
Colombian President Andres Pastrana 
The visit comes in the wake of US Congressional approval for a
controversial new aid package worth $1.3bn to help equip and train the
Colombian security forces in anti-narcotics operations. 
The Clinton administration is keen to provide the aid as soon as
possible, but is currently consulting with human rights groups who argue
that Colombia's rights record needs to improve first. 
Critics say the aid could escalate the fighting between the government
and left-wing guerrillas who have links with the cocaine trade, and draw
the US into Colombia's civil war. 
The one-day visit is being seen as a significant endorsement of the
Colombian President, Andres Pastrana, who welcomed what he called
President Clinton's "huge effort" during the presidential campaign
Clinton's visit seen as an endorsement of President Pastrana
President Clinton said: "A peaceful, democratic and economically
prosperous Colombia will help to promote democracy and stability
throughout the hemisphere." 
Our South America correspondent, James Reynolds, says Colombia's once
prosperous economy is in recession and every day more and more
Colombians are choosing to leave the country for good. 
Many Colombians blame Andres Pastrana for their country's problems,
while observers criticise him for having little strategy other than hope
and optimism. 
Improved relations 
The visit marks a major turnaround in US-Colombian relations - before
President Pastrana came to power two years ago, relations between the
two countries were distinctly rocky. 
Under the previous President, Ernesto Samper, Colombia was blacklisted
as a pariah state by Washington over allegations that he funded his 1994
election campaign with drug money. 
But President Pastrana's strategy to crack down on drug production,
provide peasants with alternative crops, negotiate peace with left-wing
guerrillas and stimulate economic growth has won American support. 
Aid controversy 
Much of the Congress approved aid package will be spent on US-made
helicopters to deploy US-trained army battalions in an anti-drugs
But the cocaine trade is linked to Colombia's rebel movement, and some
in the US feel that by providing training and helicopters to the
Colombian military, the US is becoming enmeshed in a civil war. 
In addition, more than 30 human rights groups have written to President
Clinton demanding the new aid be withheld because of the Colombian
authority's record on human rights. 
Mr Clinton will be making the first presidential visit to Colombia since
his predecessor George Bush spent four hours at a regional summit in the
port city of Cartagena in 1990.

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