----- Original Message ----- 
From: Per Rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 10:03 AM
Subject: [Cuba SI] [WW] Mumia on Cuba's justice system

Yours in solidarity
Per Rasmussen

Cuba SI!
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Fra: WW [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 9. august 2000 00:36
Emne: [WW] Mumia on Cuba's justice system

 Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 10, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper

Mumia Abu-Jamal from death row


By Mumia Abu-Jamal

"The common law of this country remains the same as it was
before the Revolution."

--Chief Justice Oliver Ellsworth (1799), U.S. Supreme Court.

United States Supreme Court Chief Justice Ellsworth,
speaking just over 20 years after the American Revolution,
gave voice to the inherent conservatism of the American
judiciary, which sought to protect the interests of the
established, by appealing to the laws (and legal precedents)
of a nation that was just defeated in battle: England.

This same conservative, and indeed repressive, spirit has
led the courts into disasters throughout U.S. history, like
the 1857 Dred Scott decision (saying slaves brought into
free territory remained slaves, and that Blacks were not
U.S. citizens), the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling (1896) (which
upheld racial segregation as constitutional), and the 1883
Supreme Court holding that invalidated the Civil Rights Act
of 1875, which gave Blacks equal rights in public
accommodations and jury duty.

In these, and literally hundreds of other cases over 200
years, the courts conserved a constricted, repressive status
quo, not freedom. Indeed, the struggle for freedom from
state repression is ongoing, for the courts have been, and
in many ways continue to be, the enemies of freedom and

Let's examine another example of law and revolution. Let's
look at a nearby neighbor: Cuba. In October 1999, several
leading Cuban jurists came to San Francisco as guests of the
National Lawyers Guild national convention. At a public
forum called "Crime and Justice in Cuba," hosted by the
International Peace for Cuba Appeal, Dr. Ruben Remigio-
Ferro, president of the Supreme Court of Cuba (the
equivalent of the American Chief Justice) and Dr. Mayda
Goite, former assistant attorney general of Santiago
province (the island's second largest metropolitan area,
located in Cuba's southeast region), held forth on their
country's criminal justice system.

Speaking just 40 years after Cuba's revolution, the two
described a system that sounded far more humanistic than
America's. And while Chief Justice Ellsworth noted the
continuity of British common law despite the American
Revolution, Cuba's president judge of the Supreme Court
spoke of the clean break represented by the Cuban
Revolution. Dr. Remigio spoke of important structural

"There are profound differences between the justice system
of Cuba and the judicial system of the United States. In the
first place, the origins of each are historically distinct.
But the most important differences are based on the
perception of how things should be organized in the judicial
system. In revolutionary Cuba, justice is administered by
the people. This is not just a slogan.

"In Cuba, the idea of an impersonal judge doesn't exist. All
the courts are composed of professional judges and lay
judges. Lay judges are peasants, workers, professionals,
housewives, university students, who form the judicial
panels along with the professional judges. They have the
same rights to make decisions on the cases that are
submitted to the courts.

"Lay judges are elected by neighbors, trade unions, and
other mass organizations. They serve for 30-day terms. Their
presence on the court assures that justice is not just
administered technically, but that it reflects popular will
and sentiment." (Drs. Remigio & Goite, "The Cuban Criminal
Law System and the Social Role of Cuban Prisons," Guild
Practitioner [57:1] Winter 2000, p. 32)

Dr. Remigio was himself elected to the Supreme Court by a
national constituent assembly. As an Afro-Cuban, the son of
peasants from a "humble background," the president judge
leads a court that he could not even address before the

When Pope John Paul II recently visited Cuba, President
Fidel Castro remarked on his years in law school, before the
revolution, when he wondered why there were no Black faces
there. In Cuba, the revolution didn't mean continuity, but
profound transformation.

Dr. Goite spoke on both sexism and racism in pre-
revolutionary Cuba, where women were regarded as little more
than objects of male pleasure. A free and independent Cuba
has led to a state where women now constitute over 60
percent of the labor force in the fields of education,
science, health, technology and culture.

Dr. Goite explains: "Cuban women have had a substantial
impact on society. This has been achieved only because they
have had the opportunity to study and develop themselves.
... Cuban women have become indispensable to society. For
example, in the law school of the University of Havana,
there are currently 1,225 students who are studying law and
1,005 of them are women." (Guild Practitioner, p. 34)

If Dr. Goite's figures are right, that means over 82 percent
of the present class in the nation's largest law school are
women! It is doubtful that any comparable U.S. law school
can make that claim. (Further, Cuba, which views education
as a human right, provides it for free!) This is not to
portray Cuba as some sort of paradise, for after 40 years of
a crippling embargo by the U.S., and a decade after the
collapse and betrayal of the former Soviet Union, it is
clearly in the grip of serious economic problems, which they
have called the Special Period.

Yet, even so pressured, this remarkable society is serving
human needs, creating more doctors per capita than any
nation on earth, and expanding the realm of human liberty,
rather than, as the U.S. has done, becoming the prison house
of nations, with over 2 million people in American jails.

- END -

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