Peoples Daily

Question Requiring Persistent, Conscientious and Serious Treatment

The nationwide showing of the film "Choice Between Life and Death" has evoked great
repercussion. It is the general view of the audiences that the film has a clear-cut
theme and a profound conception, it portrays the great spirit of contemporary
Communists who founded the Party for public interests and fear no evil, it shows the
firm determination of our Party to struggle against corruption, and expresses the just
voice of the masses of the people and it gives us a strong shock and profound warning:
The construction of a clean and honest Party style of work is a question which has to
be dealt with persistently, conscientiously and seriously.

Since the initiation of reform and opening up, particularly in the past 10 years or
so, our Party has consistently grasped material construction and cultural progress and
attached equal importance to both, it has achieved remarkable results in its effort to
push forward the program of reform and opening up, and in its determination to punish
corruption, engage in the construction of a clean and honest Party style of work and
wage the struggle against corruption. Practice has proved that our Party is a clean
and honest Party, the mainstream of our cadre ranks is good, and it is firm in
struggling against corruption. We must not negate the Party's leadership simply
because the problem of corruption exists in some leading cadres within the Party, nor
should we slacken struggle in this respect simply because the mainstream of cadre
ranks is good. Failing to wage resolute struggle against corruption will entail
subjugation of the Party and State.

Corruption is a historical, as well as a social, phenomenon, existing in the past and
at present, at home and abroad. Combating corruption and promoting honesty is a
long-term struggle, we must be prepared for long-term battle. Building socialism with
Chinese characteristics is a great cause that can be accomplished only after efforts
are made by several generations, a dozen or so generations and even dozens of
generations, in the entire historical process of bringing this cause to success, there
will exist the struggle between corruption and anti-corruption. Our Party is a ruling
party, the test of a ruling party will be long-lasting. Along with the deepening of
reform and the expansion of opening, the sector of socio-economy, the form of
organization, material interest and the method of employment will be increasingly
diversified, such tests will not decrease, but instead will become increasingly
severe. Our struggle with Western hostile forces between infiltration and
anti-infiltration and between subversion and anti-subversion will be protracted, the
struggle against the corrosion of decadent ideology, culture and moribund style of
life will be long-lasting, so will be the struggle to eradicate the remnant feudal
ideology long existing in Chinese society, all these factors determine the protracted
nature of our struggle against corruption, we must unremittingly sound the alarm bell.

Implementation of our long-term tasks requires that at each stage of our struggle
against corruption and for honesty and in each specific matter, we must tackle things
conscientiously and meticulously. We should both establish the idea of engaging in
protracted operations and successfully launching campaigns at each stage. We should
dare to tackle serious, difficult and solid tasks. Doing things perfunctorily not only
makes it difficult to achieve success, but will instead cause endless troubles. Many
regimes, both past and present, Chinese and foreign, have waged struggle against
corruption, but due to their class root cause, and profound and complicated social and
historical root causes, their anti-corruption struggle cannot be carried out
thoroughly and conscientiously; or only a tiny handful of people are conscientious,
whereas the whole class and the whole ruling group are not conscientious. The
Communist Party, on the other hand, is a political party serving the people
wholeheartedly. The word "conscientiousness" is most important in the world, and the
Communist Party places particular stress on this word. So long as we tackle anything
seriously, we will accomplish something.

The key to conscientiously carrying out long-term strategic tasks lies in taking a
serious attitude toward these tasks and persisting in managing the Party with
severity. The Party is an example of the whole society, and the Party's leading cadres
at all levels are examples of the whole Party. The principle of running the Party
strictly should be carried out in Party building in the aspects of ideology, politics,
organization, style of work, discipline, and system, we must resolutely change the
phenomenon of lax of discipline, weakness and slackness existing within the Party. The
systems already established must be carried out strictly and, in accordance with the
development of practice, constantly perfect various systems, so as to form a set of
systems and mechanisms for running the Party with severity, strict demand must be set
on leading cadres and strict management and supervision must be exercised over them,
efforts must be stepped up to investigate and prosecute big and major cases, corrupt
elements must be given severe punishment. Strict enforcement of law must be combined
with strengthened ideological education, the two defense lines of ideological and
moral construction and the restraint of Party discipline and State laws must be
established and perfected, efforts should be made to reduce the violations of inner
Party discipline and laws and the phenomena of corruption to the minimum.

Comrades of the whole Party, particularly leading Party cadres at all levels should
often think over these questions: What's the aim of our living in the world, what
should we do at our leading posts? They should always ask themselves of these
questions: Do they properly perform their duties as public servants of the people and
are they worthy of the glorious name of a Communist Party member? They should be
self-dignified, self-warning and be engaged in self-examination and self-excitation;
they should stress theoretical study political awareness and honesty and uprightness;
they should establish a correct outlook on the world, life and value; they should be
able to withstand the tests of power, money and beauty; they should set strict demands
on themselves, on their relatives and people on their side; they should be prepared
for danger in times of peace; they should refrain from luxury and uphold frugality;
they should work conscientiously and diligently, scrupulously abide by their duties
and be upright people, work in a down-to-earth manner and serve the people
wholeheartedly. So long as the whole Party takes a clear-cut stand and a resolute
attitude, observe strict discipline, and be serious and conscientious, we can
constantly win victories in our anti-corruption struggle.

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