Hi Jay,

Some recordings are quite difficult to find. I don't know where you
are located, but I tried a search online at amazon.com, and I found
the following:

Iris (Patane):


Iris (Gelemetti):


Le Maschere (Gelmetti):


Il piccolo Marat (Bakels)


L'apoteosi della cicogna, Pinotta, A Giacomo Leopardi, Zanetto:




Lodoletta (Rosekrans):


Nerone (Bakels):


Guglielmo Ratcliff (De Bernart):


There is also Denia Mazzola Gavazzeni's CD, which features arie from
many of those operas:


Some entries listed above are "special orders", meaning that they may
be able to get them or not if their source is out of
stock. Interestingly enough, it seems that nowadays Parisina has
become one of the Mascagni operas that is the easiest to find! I did
not list here several recordings they list but mark as "limited
availability". For those you can try your luck.

At Tower Records (www.towerrecords.com) they list the other Ratcliff:


They say "limited quantities", which means they may not have it.

Missing from the list are I Rantzau (label fone, www.fone.it), Amica
(label Kikko Classics), Isabeau (the Bongiovanni version seems
completely out of print, and I don't know who carries the Cetra
excerpts). The versions of Amica, Isabeau and Zanetto conducted by
Kees Bakels should be released in the relatively short-term future on
label Bongiovanni, so if you are patient enough you will be able to
get those versions.

I hope this helps!


Jay & Susan Ginsburg wrote:
 > Hello:
 > I would very much like to know where and how I can acquire other
 > operas CDs besides Cavalleria and L'Amico, Especially those
 > mentioned in this email.
 > Jay Ginsburg

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