Certainly very sad to lose a scholar of such distinction.

I would love to know where one may obtain and read the work on Parisina. Is
it readily available in Italian or English?


 >From: Erik Bruchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Subject: [mascagni-interest] We lost a Mascagnano
 >Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 11:15:16 -0700
 >Dear list,
 >I thought I would share with you the sad news that Prof. Carlo
 >Botteghi, noted Mascagni scholar and mailing-list member, untimely
 >passed away last week.
 >Carlo was the respected author of a monography about Mascagni's
 >Parisina, an impressive, 300-page long book going into the details of
 >the composition of the work, its significance in Mascagni's
 >production, its libretto and its music. He was also the head of the
 >Centro Studi Mascagnani of Livorno and was working on several projects
 >under that umbrella. He was going to publish soon a monography about
 >Isabeau, that his family and friends are now hoping to get published
 >His wife Vera still gets the emails sent to this mailing-list. Let's
 >wish her strength and support in this difficult time. Her husband will
 >be missed by many.
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John Mucci
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203-761-0083 (h)


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