>I've got my Linux box in my office setup to with a valid IP address
>(eg. eth0- that also has 2 aliases (eth0:0- and

First thing, I would definately recommend to ditch the NIC aliasing 
and get (2) more NICs.  This will greatly cuts down on NIC collisions
and allows the IPFWADM rulesets to also filter on a interface by 
interface basis.

>When I dial in from the PPP client machine
>( is the IP assigned upon the connection) I want to be able
>to browse all of 192.168.100.xxx and 192.168.200.xxx or just

This is a IPFWADM forwarding issue where you are probably MASQing to 
the other interfaces.

Try this:

        - Next, if you want to interconnect ALL the subnets without
          masquerading between them but DO masq to your Internet
          connection, you need to something like the following 
          rules.  But, to be honest, I think there might is be
          something wrong with these rules.  You'll have to try
          some experimentation if these rules don't work.

                ipfwadm -F -f
                ipfwadm -F -p deny
                #Rules for the ETH0 interface
                ipfwadm -F -a -V -D

                ipfwadm -F -a -m -V

|  David A. Ranch - Remote Access/Linux/PC hardware      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
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