Hey Mike,

I haven't used Shiva's hardware VPN box before but if it is anything
like Checkpoint FW1, it won't work.  The VPN system will realize that
the IP packets are getting re-addressed and thus reject them.  

You'll just have to try it out!


>Is anybody using the Shiva VPN client through ipmasq?  I am attempting to
>connect to my company's network from a client behind a Linux 2.0.35 ipmasq
>box.  I think I need ports 2233 udp and 10027 tcp/udp.  I tried using
>ipautofw to create static links between the client and the server, but it
>didn't work.  Can anybody offer some basic assistance to get started?
>  Mike Frisch                         Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Northstar Technologies        WWW: http://saturn.tlug.org/~mfrisch
>  Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA
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