On Sun, 29 Nov 1998, David A. Ranch wrote:


>>How does one specify port ranges using ipportfw?
>>From my understanding, IPPORTFW cannot do ranges.
>You have to do it a port at a time.
>>What would be needed to specify a certain range
>>of ports for icq using ipportfw?
>You shouldn't need to.  ICQ should MASQ fine.
Only parts of it do...inbound file transfers and chat requests, for
example, do not get through.  I, too, am interested in how to do this.
UDP Port 4000 might be a key but I have no idea how to set it up....

John Mudge

>>And what are the major diffs between ipportfw and
>>ipautofw? Thanks!
>Fuzzy Fox sent this out a while ago which explains is
>pretty well..
>> 1) ipautofw - From the docs, this seems to add a range of ports to the
>>    masqerading list in the kernel whenever a packet is received on a
>>    specific port.  This is a kernel patch.  Some people on the list
>>    have complained of trouble with it, others have no problems.
>Ipautofw is an interesting beast.  It can be run in one of several
>    a. It can wait until a machine behind the firewall sends a certain
>       type of request out, then it can start redirecting return
>       traffic, on a different port or range of ports, back to that
>       originating host.  This way, multiple machines behind the
>       firewall can be serviced by a single port-forwarding request.
>    b. It can be set up to forward a port or range of ports
>       unconditionally, to a machine behind the firewall.  This seems
>       to be a more popular mode than the previous, since it's easier
>       for people to set up.
>The problems that most people have, occur when they use that second
>mode.  When running in this mode, ipautofw forwards all packets that
>appear on that port, or range of ports, regardless of the reason they
>are arriving.  This can conflict with legitimate use of the machine,
>because a network connection originating on the firewall might attempt
>to make use of one of those ports as its "source" port, but when a
>remote machine tries to reply, the reply gets forwarded to the machine
>behind the firewall, so the connection times out.  Since source ports
>are chosen in ascending order, the larger the range forwarded, the
>sooner this condition will happen, and the longer it will last.
>For this reason, ipautofw is considered to be deprecated, and ipportfw
>is considered the more useful solution.
>> 2) ipportfw - Again, haven't used it.  As I understand it, this
>>    package does things a little differently than ipautofw, in that it
>>    sets up a permanent forward for the ports in question, not just
>>    adding them in response to a packet send, and is considered by some
>>    to be a bit more stable.
>Ipportfw is very stable and useful.  It is smarter about how packets are
>forwarded, and does not have the "collision" problem stated above, so it
>will not interfere with the firewall's network connection attempts.  It
>does not have the flexibility that ipautofw has, though; it can only
>forward to one machine behind the firewall for each particular port, and
>will not forward port ranges.  You must forward each port in the range,
>individually.  However, since most people don't seem to use that first
>mode of ipautofw, this isn't really too bad, and you can always use
>both, if you really want to.  Ipautofw is deprecated, but doesn't seem
>to be going away, yet.
>> 3) redir - This is what I use.  It only works for TCP connections (I
>>    think), but if what you need is to redirect one TCP port to another
>>    machine, it's just the ticket.
>The main problem, if you want to call it that, with a program like
>'redir', is that it will not masquerade the resulting connection. 
>Basically, all connections to your internal machine will appear to be
>coming from the firewall's IP address.  This may not seem like a big
>deal, but if you're running a web server, for instance, you won't be
>able to tell who's connecting to your web server.  Every connection will
>appear as coming from your firewall, in your server logs.  You'd have to
>do the connection logging on the firewall, which I don't think redir
>even bothers to do.
>> This has the distinct advantage of being very simple to understand,
>> and to NOT require kernel patches. 
>This much is true, however, the kernel patches for these port-forwarders
>are quite stable and non-obtrusive (except for the above-mentioned
>problem with ipautofw).
>|  David A. Ranch - Remote Access/Linux/PC hardware      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
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