>> maybe its just your DNS setup that isnt working. make sure your dns
>> server on the workstation is set to the Linux machine.

>Right, that wasn't set up yet, however, I tried accessing WWW-addresses
>with direct IP-numbers as well, like That should
>work without having the DNS set up properly, shouldn't it ?  It doesn't

If you can ping the IP address and not browse to it, this is bizzare. Can
you telnet to any machines on the internet. Maybe you should share your lan
configuration with us including your ipfwadm commands.

but firstly make sure you read the how-to on it, as without a dns server
configured on the workstation, its not going to work anyway, it seems you
havent read the how-to's.

>Another observation I made is, if I ping from a LAN client the Linux box
>establishes an ISDN connection, if I try accessing a URL in IE (again on
>a LAN client) it doesn't. So that makes me think that something with
>masquerading isn't set up properly.

again, what is your ipfwadm configs and lan setup.


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