Well, your NT clients need to be aware of a fully functional DNS server may it
be internal (caching nameserver) or external. Since you are using DHCP, add the
information as DHCP options in the DHCP server properties. I am assuming that
your DHCP server is built on NT. Please do excuse me if my assumption is wrong.

Stephen Mills wrote:

> You can ping IP addresses, but can you resolve domains from the workstations
> ?
> maybe its just your DNS setup that isnt working. make sure your dns server
> on the workstation is set to the Linux machine.
> --Stephen
> >Hello there,
> >
> >I've got a problem with an NT LAN where a Linux box serves as a router
> >(between Ethernet and ISDN-Internet).
> >
> >I cannot get clients in the LAN to get http-connections established. Ping
> >to Internet IP addresses works ok from LAN clients. Also, establishing
> >http-connections from the Linux box itself works fine.
> >
> >This is running the latest (German) SuSE 6.0 Linux distribution (Kernel
> >2.0.36). Masquerading already is built into the kernel.
> >
> >The NT LAN is set up "dynamically" with a DHCP-server.
> >
> >Can someone help, preferrably with step-by-step instructions, since I'm a
> >real newbie at both Linux and Masquerading (less than a week's
> >experience).
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Georg
> >
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