Hi there,

Recently I was using a Linux box with IP-masquerading to share an IP
between some Wintel machines.  Net access is provided via an Ascend 
Pipeline (combined router/ISDN modem).

I have MS-Outlook 98 as my mail client on one of these machines and 
I am using an MSExchange server.

Unfortunately, the Outlook client does not work in such a configuration
- it hangs
when attempting to connect to the exchange server. I believe that the
tcp ports 
that are used for communication between Outlook and Exchange are
dynamically and so I cannot use a port redirect (?). 

I do not have a choice as to which mail client/server that I use. It is
awkward to 
have to  peridically change the network config of my wintel machine and
connect it directly to my pipeline just to synchronise mail  boxes.

Using the netstat command on the wintel box reveals that 4 different tcp

connections are established between Outlook and the Exchange server,


Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
  TCP    mypc:1129            FileServer.a.b.com:nbsession  ESTABLISHED
  TCP    mypc:1134            MsExchangeServer.a.b.com:1040  ESTABLISHED
  TCP    mypc:1138            MsExchangeServer.a.b.com:1057  ESTABLISHED
  TCP    mypc:1142            MsExchangeServer.a.b.com:1040  ESTABLISHED
  TCP    mypc:1146            MsExchangeServer.a.b.com:1057  ESTABLISHED

The destination ports on mypc are different each time Outlook is

I would really like to find a solution to this as I am just about set up

exactly the same situation in my home and this is a bit of a

Has anybody come across this before and if so do you have a solution or 
any suggestions?  

If it required some coding and somebody could point me in the right
direction I 
would consider having a go at implementing a fix myself.

Morgan Pyne
Technical Consultant, SAS Institute

The above posting does not necessarily represent the views of my

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