This message is highly off-topic for this list, because it's not about
IP Masquerade in the slightest.  Now, I'm not any sort of net.cop, and I
gladly answer questions on any type of subject, if I feel that I know
the answer, but really, it's important to keep a mailing list on-topic,
for those who do not wish to be bothered by reading extraneous messages.

It appears, from the large number of messages which are related to
networking, but not really masquerade-related, that there is some sort
of demand for a list which revolves, topic-wise, around the subject of
networking, firewalling, and related subjects.  Is there such a list
that these topics could be taken to, so that they receive the wider
audience that they deserve?  Or if there is no such list, is there any
interest in creating one?

Vaughan McPherson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to be able to download the messages automatically and then drop
> then into individual locally hosted mail accounts so that users only
> receive mail inteded for them.

It sounds like you want the "fetchmail" package, and to use its
"multi-drop" delivery features.  I suggest you look into that, and
see if it meets your needs.

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fuzzy Fox)      || "Nothing takes the taste out of peanut
sometimes known as David DeSimone  ||  butter quite like unrequited love."      ||                       -- Charlie Brown
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