Mark Pratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To stop Sendmail from dialing out every time I send an e-mail to the
> server, Sendmail is configured as DeliveryMode = defered.  This
> basically accepts the mail and does nothing until the queue is run
> (from IP-UP).

Sounds good.

> Any other setting and Sendmail tries to either deliver or lookup the
> recipient.  And here's the but, any faxes I send also stay in the
> queue with the e-mail (Only one modem and phone line).

I'm guessing that that means you send a piece of E-mail, which gets
routed to a fax server on your mail host, and that message ends up not
being routed to the fax server because your sendmail is deferring all
E-mail (even mail to local users and programs).

Have you tried separating your E-mail traffic into local-net and
external-net traffic?  Sendmail can be told that local-net traffic is
"cheap", and that external-net traffic is "expensive", and then it can
be further configured to defer expensive traffic until later, while
allowing inexpensive traffic to flow freely.

Of course, configuring all this is beyond the scope of IP Masq, and is
also not terribly easy, as far as I remember.  I like to hack sendmail
as much as the next guy, but getting it right will be a troublesome
process.  However, I'm just letting you know that it's possible, if you
want to persue that angle.

> The only way I can think of setting the system up is to run 2 machines
> with sendmail.  One being an "internal" server which sifts internal
> mail and faxes from external mail.  The external mail is then queued
> on the MASQ machine to await IP-UP ....  or does anyone know
> different?

Sure, that could work.  In fact, it makes sense to separate the firewall
and other services, from a security standpoint.  It makes your firewall
more difficult to penetrate if it is not running any exploitable services.

> If my ISP gives me a valid IP address and a domain name
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), can mail be collected via SMTP from the
> "internal" mail server and delivered directly to a user (user@mylan
> maps directly to user@localhost)without too much bother?

Sure.  Sendmail can do anything.  It's all a matter of configuration.  :)

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fuzzy Fox)      || "Nothing takes the taste out of peanut
sometimes known as David DeSimone  ||  butter quite like unrequited love."      ||                       -- Charlie Brown
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