Revision: 3850

Author:   mdboom
Date:     2007-09-14 05:24:20 -0700 (Fri, 14 Sep 2007)

Log Message:
Deleting this file to rename

Removed Paths:

Deleted: branches/transforms/lib/matplotlib/
--- branches/transforms/lib/matplotlib/    2007-09-14 12:23:06 UTC 
(rev 3849)
+++ branches/transforms/lib/matplotlib/    2007-09-14 12:24:20 UTC 
(rev 3850)
@@ -1,652 +0,0 @@
-# """
-# The transforms module is broken into two parts, a collection of
-# classes written in the extension module _transforms to handle
-# efficient transformation of data, and some helper functions in
-# transforms to make it easy to instantiate and use those objects.
-# Hence the core of this module lives in _transforms.
-# The transforms class is built around the idea of a LazyValue.  A
-# LazyValue is a base class that defines a method get that returns the
-# value.  The concrete derived class Value wraps a float, and simply
-# returns the value of that float.  The concrete derived class BinOp
-# allows binary operations on LazyValues, so you can add them, multiply
-# them, etc.  When you do something like
-#   inches = Value(8)
-#   dpi    = Value(72)
-#   width  = inches * dpi
-# width is a BinOp instance (that tells you the width of the figure in
-# pixels).  Later, if the figure size in changed, ie we call
-#   inches.set(10)
-# The width variable is automatically updated because it stores a
-# pointer to the inches variable, not the value.  Since a BinOp is also
-# a lazy value, you can define binary operations on BinOps as well, such
-# as
-#   middle = Value(0.5) * width
-# Pairs of LazyValue instances can occur as instances of two classes:
-#     pt = Point( Value(x), Value(y)) # where x, y are numbers
-#          pt.x(), pt.y() return  Value(x), Value(y))
-#     iv = Interval( Value(x), Value(y))
-#          iv.contains(z) returns True if z is in the closed interval
-#          iv.contains_open(z): same for open interval
-#          iv.span() returns y-x as a float
-#          iv.get_bounds() returns (x,y) as a tuple of floats
-#          iv.set_bounds(x, y) allows input of new floats
-#          iv.update(seq) updates the bounds to include all elements
-#               in a sequence of floats
-#          iv.shift(s) shifts the interval by s, a float
-# The bounding box class Bbox is also heavily used, and is defined by a
-# lower left point ll and an upper right point ur.  The points ll and ur
-# are given by Point(x, y) instances, where x and y are LazyValues.  So
-# you can represent a point such as
-#   ll = Point( Value(0), Value(0)  )  # the origin
-#   ur = Point( width, height )        # the upper right of the figure
-# where width and height are defined as above, using the product of the
-# figure width in inches and the dpi.  This is, in face, how the Figure
-# bbox is defined
-#   bbox = Bbox(ll, ur)
-# A bbox basically defines an x,y coordinate system, with ll giving the
-# lower left of the coordinate system and ur giving the upper right.
-# The bbox methods are
-#   ll()                - return the lower left Point
-#   ur()                - return the upper right Point
-#   contains(x,y)       - return True if self contains point
-#   overlaps(bbox)      - return True if self overlaps bbox
-#   overlapsx(bbox)     - return True if self overlaps bbox in the x interval
-#   overlapsy(bbox)     - return True if self overlaps bbox in the y interval
-#   intervalx()         - return the x Interval instance
-#   intervaly()         - return the y interval instance
-#   get_bounds()        - get the left, bottom, width, height bounding tuple
-#   update(xys, ignore) - update the bbox to bound all the xy tuples in
-#       xys; if ignore is true ignore the current contents of bbox and
-#       just bound the tuples.  If ignore is false, bound self + tuples
-#   width()             - return the width of the bbox
-#   height()            - return the height of the bbox
-#   xmax()              - return the x coord of upper right
-#   ymax()              - return the y coord of upper right
-#   xmin()              - return the x coord of lower left
-#   ymin()              - return the y coord of lower left
-#   scale(sx,sy)        - scale the bbox by sx, sy
-#   deepcopy()          - return a deep copy of self (pointers are lost)
-# The basic transformation maps one bbox to another, with an optional
-# nonlinear transformation of one of coordinates (eg log scaling).
-# The base class for transformations is Transformation, and the concrete
-# derived classes are SeparableTransformation and Affine.  Earlier
-# versions of matplotlib handled transformation of x and y separately
-# (ie we assumed all transformations were separable) but this makes it
-# difficult to do rotations or polar transformations, for example.  All
-# artists contain their own transformation, defaulting to the identity
-# transform.
-# The signature of a separable transformation instance is
-#   trans = SeparableTransformation(bbox1, bbox2, funcx, funcy)
-# where funcx and funcy operate on x and y.  The typical linear
-# coordinate transformation maps one bounding box to another, with funcx
-# and funcy both identity.  Eg,
-#   transData = Transformation(viewLim, displayLim,
-#                              Func(IDENTITY), Func(IDENTITY))
-# maps the axes view limits to display limits.  If the xaxis scaling is
-# changed to log, one simply calls
-#   transData.get_funcx().set_type(LOG10)
-# For more general transformations including rotation, the Affine class
-# is provided, which is constructed with 6 LazyValue instances:
-# a, b, c, d, tx, ty.  These give the values of the matrix transformation
-#   [xo  =  |a  c| [xi  + [tx
-#    yo]    |b  d|  yi]    ty]
-# where if sx, sy are the scaling components, tx, y are the translation
-# components, and alpha is the rotation
-#    a = sx*cos(alpha);
-#    b = -sx*sin(alpha);
-#    c = sy*sin(alpha);
-#    d = sy*cos(alpha);
-# The affine transformation can be accomplished for row vectors with a
-# single matrix multiplication
-#             X_new = X_old * M
-# where
-#        M =     [ a  b  0
-#                  c  d  0
-#                  tx ty 1]
-# and each X is the row vector [x, y, 1].  Hence M is
-# the transpose of the matrix representation given in
-# which is for the more usual column-vector representation
-# of the position.)
-# From a user perspective, the most important Tranformation methods are
-# All transformations
-# -------------------
-#   freeze()              - eval and freeze the lazy objects
-#   thaw()                - release the lazy objects
-#   xy_tup(xy)            - transform the tuple (x,y)
-#   seq_x_y(x, y)         - transform the python sequences x and y
-#   numerix_x_y(x, y)     - x and y are numerix 1D arrays
-#   numerix_xy(xy)        - xy is a numerix array of shape (N,2)
-#   inverse_numerix_xy(xy)- inverse of the above
-#   seq_xy_tups(seq)      - seq is a sequence of xy tuples or a (N,2) array
-#   inverse_xy_tup(xy)    - apply the inverse transformation to tuple xy
-#   set_offset(xy, trans) - xy is an x,y tuple and trans is a
-#     Transformation instance.  This will apply a post transformational
-#     offset of all future transformations by xt,yt = trans.xy_tup(xy[0], 
-#   deepcopy()            - returns a deep copy; references are lost
-#   shallowcopy()         - returns a shallow copy excluding the offset
-# Separable transformations
-# -------------------------
-#   get_bbox1() - return the input bbox
-#   get_bbox2() - return the output bbox
-#   set_bbox1() - set the input bbox
-#   set_bbox2() - set the output bbox
-#   get_funcx() - return the Func instance on x
-#   get_funcy() - return the Func instance on y
-#   set_funcx() - set the Func instance on x
-#   set_funcy() - set the Func instance on y
-# Affine transformations
-# ----------------------
-#   as_vec6() - return the affine as length 6 list of Values
-# In general, you shouldn't need to construct your own transformations,
-# but should use the helper functions defined in this module.
-#   zero                        - return Value(0)
-#   one                         - return Value(1)
-#   origin                      - return Point(zero(), zero())
-#   unit_bbox                   - return the 0,0 to 1,1 bounding box
-#   identity_affine             - An affine identity transformation
-#   identity_transform          - An identity separable transformation
-#   translation_transform       - a pure translational affine
-#   scale_transform             - a pure scale affine
-#   scale_sep_transform         - a pure scale separable transformation
-#   scale_translation_transform - a scale and translate affine
-#   bound_vertices              - return the bbox that bounds all the xy tuples
-#   bbox_all                    - return the bbox that bounds all the bboxes
-#   lbwh_to_bbox                - build a bbox from tuple
-#                                 left, bottom, width, height tuple
-#   multiply_affines            - return the affine that is the matrix product 
-#                                 the two affines
-#   get_bbox_transform          - return a SeparableTransformation instance 
-#                                 transforms one bbox to another
-#   blend_xy_sep_transform      - mix the x and y components of two separable
-#                                 transformations into a new transformation.
-#                                 This allows you to specify x and y in
-#                                 different coordinate systems
-#   transform_bbox              - apply a transformation to a bbox and return 
-#                                 transformed bbox
-#   inverse_transform_bbox      - apply the inverse transformation of a bbox
-#                                 and return the inverse transformed bbox
-#   offset_copy                 - make a copy with an offset
-# The units/ code has many examples.
-# A related and partly overlapping class, PBox, has been added to the
-# original transforms module to facilitate Axes repositioning and resizing.
-# At present, the differences between Bbox and PBox include:
-#     Bbox works with the bounding box, the coordinates of the lower-left
-#     and upper-right corners; PBox works with the lower-left coordinates
-#     and the width, height pair (left, bottom, width, height, or 'lbwh').
-#     Obviously, these are equivalent, but lbwh is what is used by
-#     Axes._position, and it is the natural specification for the types of
-#     manipulations for which the PBox class was made.
-#     Bbox uses LazyValues grouped in pairs as 'll' and 'ur' Point objects;
-#     PBox uses a 4-element list, subclassed from the python list.
-#     Bbox and PBox methods are mostly quite different, reflecting their
-#     different original purposes.  Similarly, the CXX implementation of
-#     Bbox is good for methods such as update and for lazy evaluation, but
-#     for PBox intended uses, involving very little calculation, pure
-#     python probably is adequate.
-# In the future we may reimplement the PBox using Bbox
-# and transforms, or eliminate it entirely by adding its methods
-# and attributes to Bbox and/or putting them elsewhere in this module.
-# """
-# from __future__ import division
-# import math
-# import numpy as npy
-# from matplotlib._transforms import Value, Point, Interval, Bbox, Affine
-# from matplotlib._transforms import IDENTITY, LOG10, POLAR, Func, FuncXY
-# from matplotlib._transforms import SeparableTransformation
-# from matplotlib._transforms import NonseparableTransformation
-# def nonsingular(vmin, vmax, expander=0.001, tiny=1e-15, increasing=True):
-#     '''
-#     Ensure the endpoints of a range are not too close together.
-#     "too close" means the interval is smaller than 'tiny' times
-#             the maximum absolute value.
-#     If they are too close, each will be moved by the 'expander'.
-#     If 'increasing' is True and vmin > vmax, they will be swapped,
-#     regardless of whether they are too close.
-#     '''
-#     swapped = False
-#     if vmax < vmin:
-#         vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
-#         swapped = True
-#     if vmax - vmin <= max(abs(vmin), abs(vmax)) * tiny:
-#         if vmin==0.0:
-#             vmin = -expander
-#             vmax = expander
-#         else:
-#             vmin -= expander*abs(vmin)
-#             vmax += expander*abs(vmax)
-#     if swapped and not increasing:
-#         vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
-#     return vmin, vmax
-# def zero(): return Value(0)
-# def one() : return Value(1)
-# def origin():
-#     return Point( zero(), zero() )
-# def unit_bbox():
-#     """
-#     Get a 0,0 -> 1,1 Bbox instance
-#     """
-#     return  Bbox( origin(), Point( one(), one() ) )
-# def identity_affine():
-#     """
-#     Get an affine transformation that maps x,y -> x,y
-#     """
-#     return Affine(one(), zero(), zero(), one(), zero(), zero())
-# def identity_transform():
-#     """
-#     Get an affine transformation that maps x,y -> x,y
-#     """
-#     return SeparableTransformation(unit_bbox(), unit_bbox(),
-#                                    Func(IDENTITY),
-#                                    Func(IDENTITY))
-# def translation_transform(tx, ty):
-#     """
-#     return a pure tranlational transformation tx and ty are LazyValue
-#     instances (Values or binary operations on values)
-#     """
-#     return Affine(one(), zero(), zero(), one(), tx, ty)
-# def scale_transform(sx, sy):
-#     """
-#     Return a pure scale transformation as an Affine instance; sx and
-#     sy are LazyValue instances (Values or binary opertations on
-#     values)
-#     """
-#     return Affine(sx, zero(), zero(), sy, zero(), zero())
-# def scale_sep_transform(sx, sy):
-#     """
-#     Return a pure scale transformation as a SeparableTransformation;
-#     sx and sy are LazyValue instances (Values or binary opertations on
-#     values)
-#     """
-#     bboxin = unit_bbox()
-#     bboxout = Bbox( Point( zero(), zero() ),
-#                     Point( sx, sy ) )
-#     return SeparableTransformation(
-#         bboxin, bboxout,
-#         Func(IDENTITY), Func(IDENTITY))
-# def bound_vertices(verts):
-#     """
-#     Return the Bbox of the sequence of x,y tuples in verts
-#     """
-#     # this is a good candidate to move to _transforms
-#     bbox = unit_bbox()
-#     bbox.update(verts, 1)
-#     return bbox
-# def bbox_all(bboxes):
-#     """
-#     Return the Bbox that bounds all bboxes
-#     """
-#     # this is a good candidate to move to _transforms
-#     assert(len(bboxes))
-#     if len(bboxes)==1: return bboxes[0]
-#     bbox = bboxes[0]
-#     minx = bbox.xmin()
-#     miny = bbox.ymin()
-#     maxx = bbox.xmax()
-#     maxy = bbox.ymax()
-#     for bbox in bboxes[1:]:
-#         thisminx = bbox.xmin()
-#         thisminy = bbox.ymin()
-#         thismaxx = bbox.xmax()
-#         thismaxy = bbox.ymax()
-#         if thisminx < minx : minx = thisminx
-#         if thismaxx > maxx : maxx = thismaxx
-#         if thisminy < miny : miny = thisminy
-#         if thismaxy > maxy : maxy = thismaxy
-#     return Bbox( Point( Value(minx), Value(miny) ),
-#                  Point( Value(maxx), Value(maxy) )
-#                  )
-# def lbwh_to_bbox(l,b,w,h):
-#     return Bbox( Point( Value(l), Value(b)),
-#                  Point( Value(l+w), Value(b + h) ) )
-# def invert_vec6(v):
-#     """
-#     v is a,b,c,d,tx,ty vec6 repr of an affine transformation.
-#     Return the inverse of v as a vec6
-#     """
-#     a,b,c,d,tx,ty = v
-#     M = npy.array([ [a,b,0], [c,d,0], [tx,ty,1]], dtype=npy.float64)
-#     Mi = npy.linalg.inv(M)
-#     return Mi[:,:2].ravel()
-# def multiply_affines( v1, v2):
-#     """
-#     v1 and v2 are Affine instances
-#     """
-#     a1, b1, c1, d1, tx1, ty1 = v1.as_vec6()
-#     a2, b2, c2, d2, tx2, ty2 = v2.as_vec6()
-#     a  = a1 * a2  + c1 * b2
-#     b  = b1 * a2  + d1 * b2
-#     c  = a1 * c2  + c1 * d2
-#     d  = b1 * c2  + d1 * d2
-#     tx = a1 * tx2 + c1 * ty2 + tx1
-#     ty = b1 * tx2 + d1 * ty2 + ty1
-#     return Affine(a,b,c,d,tx,ty)
-# def get_bbox_transform(boxin, boxout):
-#     """
-#     return the transform that maps transform one bounding box to
-#     another
-#     """
-#     return SeparableTransformation(
-#         boxin, boxout, Func(IDENTITY), Func( IDENTITY))
-# def blend_xy_sep_transform(trans1, trans2):
-#     """
-#     If trans1 and trans2 are SeparableTransformation instances, you can
-#     build a new SeparableTransformation from them by extracting the x and y
-#     bounding points and functions and recomposing a new 
-#     This function extracts all the relevant bits from trans1 and
-#     trans2 and returns the new Transformation instance.  This is
-#     useful, for example, if you want to specify x in data coordinates
-#     and y in axes coordinates.
-#     """
-#     inboxx = trans1.get_bbox1()
-#     inboxy = trans2.get_bbox1()
-#     outboxx = trans1.get_bbox2()
-#     outboxy = trans2.get_bbox2()
-#     xminIn  =  inboxx.ll().x()
-#     xmaxIn  =  inboxx.ur().x()
-#     xminOut = outboxx.ll().x()
-#     xmaxOut = outboxx.ur().x()
-#     yminIn  =  inboxy.ll().y()
-#     ymaxIn  =  inboxy.ur().y()
-#     yminOut = outboxy.ll().y()
-#     ymaxOut = outboxy.ur().y()
-#     funcx = trans1.get_funcx()
-#     funcy = trans2.get_funcy()
-#     boxin  = Bbox( Point(xminIn,  yminIn),  Point(xmaxIn,  ymaxIn)  )
-#     boxout = Bbox( Point(xminOut, yminOut), Point(xmaxOut, ymaxOut) )
-#     return SeparableTransformation(boxin, boxout, funcx, funcy)
-# def transform_bbox(trans, bbox):
-#     'transform the bbox to a new bbox'
-#     xmin, xmax = bbox.intervalx().get_bounds()
-#     ymin, ymax = bbox.intervaly().get_bounds()
-#     xmin, ymin = trans.xy_tup((xmin, ymin))
-#     xmax, ymax = trans.xy_tup((xmax, ymax))
-#     return Bbox(Point(Value(xmin), Value(ymin)),
-#                 Point(Value(xmax), Value(ymax)))
-# def inverse_transform_bbox(trans, bbox):
-#     'inverse transform the bbox'
-#     xmin, xmax = bbox.intervalx().get_bounds()
-#     ymin, ymax = bbox.intervaly().get_bounds()
-#     xmin, ymin = trans.inverse_xy_tup((xmin, ymin))
-#     xmax, ymax = trans.inverse_xy_tup((xmax, ymax))
-#     return Bbox(Point(Value(xmin), Value(ymin)),
-#                 Point(Value(xmax), Value(ymax)))
-# def offset_copy(trans, fig=None, x=0, y=0, units='inches'):
-#     '''
-#     Return a shallow copy of a transform with an added offset.
-#       args:
-#         trans is any transform
-#       kwargs:
-#         fig is the current figure; it can be None if units are 'dots'
-#         x, y give the offset
-#         units is 'inches', 'points' or 'dots'
-#     '''
-#     newtrans = trans.shallowcopy()
-#     if units == 'dots':
-#         newtrans.set_offset((x,y), identity_transform())
-#         return newtrans
-#     if fig is None:
-#         raise ValueError('For units of inches or points a fig kwarg is 
-#     if units == 'points':
-#         x /= 72.0
-#         y /= 72.0
-#     elif not units == 'inches':
-#         raise ValueError('units must be dots, points, or inches')
-#     tx = Value(x) * fig.dpi
-#     ty = Value(y) * fig.dpi
-#     newtrans.set_offset((0,0), translation_transform(tx, ty))
-#     return newtrans
-# def get_vec6_scales(v):
-#     'v is an affine vec6 a,b,c,d,tx,ty; return sx, sy'
-#     a,b,c,d = v[:4]
-#     sx = math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
-#     sy = math.sqrt(c**2 + d**2)
-#     return sx, sy
-# def get_vec6_rotation(v):
-#     'v is an affine vec6 a,b,c,d,tx,ty; return rotation in degrees'
-#     sx, sy = get_vec6_scales(v)
-#     c,d = v[2:4]
-#     angle = math.atan2(c,d)/math.pi*180
-#     return angle
-# class PBox(list):
-#     '''
-#     A left-bottom-width-height (lbwh) specification of a bounding box,
-#     such as is used to specify the position of an Axes object within
-#     a Figure.
-#     It is a 4-element list with methods for changing the size, shape,
-#     and position relative to its container.
-#     '''
-#     coefs = {'C':  (0.5, 0.5),
-#              'SW': (0,0),
-#              'S':  (0.5, 0),
-#              'SE': (1.0, 0),
-#              'E':  (1.0, 0.5),
-#              'NE': (1.0, 1.0),
-#              'N':  (0.5, 1.0),
-#              'NW': (0, 1.0),
-#              'W':  (0, 0.5)}
-#     def __init__(self, box, container=None, llur=False):
-#         if len(box) != 4:
-#             raise ValueError("Argument must be iterable of length 4")
-#         if llur:
-#             box = [box[0], box[1], box[2]-box[0], box[3]-box[1]]
-#         list.__init__(self, box)
-#         self.set_container(container)
-#     def as_llur(self):
-#         return [self[0], self[1], self[0]+self[2], self[1]+self[3]]
-#     def set_container(self, box=None):
-#         if box is None:
-#             box = self
-#         if len(box) != 4:
-#             raise ValueError("Argument must be iterable of length 4")
-#         self._container = list(box)
-#     def get_container(self, box):
-#         return self._container
-#     def anchor(self, c, container=None):
-#         '''
-#         Shift to position c within its container.
-#         c can be a sequence (cx, cy) where cx, cy range from 0 to 1,
-#         where 0 is left or bottom and 1 is right or top.
-#         Alternatively, c can be a string: C for centered,
-#         S for bottom-center, SE for bottom-left, E for left, etc.
-#         Optional arg container is the lbwh box within which the
-#         PBox is positioned; it defaults to the initial
-#         PBox.
-#         '''
-#         if container is None:
-#             container = self._container
-#         l,b,w,h = container
-#         if isinstance(c, str):
-#             cx, cy = self.coefs[c]
-#         else:
-#             cx, cy = c
-#         W,H = self[2:]
-#         self[:2] = l + cx * (w-W), b + cy * (h-H)
-#         return self
-#     def shrink(self, mx, my):
-#         '''
-#         Shrink the box by mx in the x direction and my in the y direction.
-#         The lower left corner of the box remains unchanged.
-#         Normally mx and my will be <= 1, but this is not enforced.
-#         '''
-#         assert mx >= 0 and my >= 0
-#         self[2:] = mx * self[2], my * self[3]
-#         return self
-#     def shrink_to_aspect(self, box_aspect, fig_aspect = 1):
-#         '''
-#         Shrink the box so that it is as large as it can be while
-#         having the desired aspect ratio, box_aspect.
-#         If the box coordinates are relative--that is, fractions of
-#         a larger box such as a figure--then the physical aspect
-#         ratio of that figure is specified with fig_aspect, so
-#         that box_aspect can also be given as a ratio of the
-#         absolute dimensions, not the relative dimensions.
-#         '''
-#         assert box_aspect > 0 and fig_aspect > 0
-#         l,b,w,h = self._container
-#         H = w * box_aspect/fig_aspect
-#         if H <= h:
-#             W = w
-#         else:
-#             W = h * fig_aspect/box_aspect
-#             H = h
-#         self[2:] = W,H
-#         return self
-#     def splitx(self, *args):
-#         '''
-#         e.g., PB.splitx(f1, f2, ...)
-#         Returns a list of new PBoxes formed by
-#         splitting the original one (PB) with vertical lines
-#         at fractional positions f1, f2, ...
-#         '''
-#         boxes = []
-#         xf = [0] + list(args) + [1]
-#         l,b,w,h = self[:]
-#         for xf0, xf1 in zip(xf[:-1], xf[1:]):
-#             boxes.append(PBox([l+xf0*w, b, (xf1-xf0)*w, h]))
-#         return boxes
-#     def splity(self, *args):
-#         '''
-#         e.g., PB.splity(f1, f2, ...)
-#         Returns a list of new PBoxes formed by
-#         splitting the original one (PB) with horizontal lines
-#         at fractional positions f1, f2, ..., with y measured
-#         positive up.
-#         '''
-#         boxes = []
-#         yf = [0] + list(args) + [1]
-#         l,b,w,h = self[:]
-#         for yf0, yf1 in zip(yf[:-1], yf[1:]):
-#             boxes.append(PBox([l, b+yf0*h, w, (yf1-yf0)*h]))
-#         return boxes

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